ABS problems. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS problems.


New Member
December 12, 2009
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Mont-Tremblant, Quebec
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Eddie Bauer, 4.0L V6
Good afternoon all and best wishes for the Christmas Holiday Season.

I just registered and really look forward to being part of this Forum. The vehicle I have is a 99 Explorer, Eddie Bauer with approx 150,000 miles on it. The truck is in great shape and I feel it's worth keeping that way. The primary reason for buying it was to tow a boat (gross weight just over 5000 lbs). It's a real work horse and I am definitely wanting to keep it. Very happy with the truck so far.

There are a couple of things that require immediate attention.

First, the ABS light is now on at all times. (intermittent at first) I have been told that this will interfere with the 4X4 function when in Auto mode. At this time (in snow and icy conditions) the transmission or drive train seems to lurch or "hunt" for an appropriate gear as if wanting to downshift, but not really sure of what it should do. This becomes quite frequent and most annoying. When switched to 4X4 high, the problem seems to disappear. Is this in fact associated with the ABS?

Relative to the ABS, would it be adviseable to change out both front hubs and the ABS sensors or simply change the sensors themselves. Considering the age and mileage, I would like to eliminate problems on a longer term basis and upgrade the hubs and bearings. Based on my inquiries, the cost will be about the same. Hubs on eBay are $110.00 and the jobber cost for the sensors will be almost the same.

What is the likelihood of having to replace the transmission/differential ABS sensor?

Second major annoyance is the Automatic Ride Control. I do not yet know if this truck was originally built with the Ride Control for the front and rear, or for the rear end only.

At this time only the rear shocks appear to be connected. The front shocks appear to have been changed at some point as they appear newer and not Ford equipment. The problem now is that the Check Susp light comes on after about 10 miles but resets with either the switch or restart of the engine. Have found come shocks on eBay but am hesitant. It seems that there are specific shocks for the left and right sides. The same is true for the front-end, if in fact they must be changed and incorporated into the entire system. Can anyone shed some light on this subject?

I am having the truck scanned for these issues this coming week but would greatly appreciate any input or suggestions you may have. Like most everyone else out there, I can't say that money is no object, but the best solution may demand a cost compromise.

Looking forward to having news and being able to share my experiences as they come along.


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The ABS sensor will also illuminate if there is a problem with the wheel hub in the front. and the sensors are part of the hub i believe. i don't think that you can change just the sensor. as for your shocks, i believe if you search you can find a few threads on getting rid of the air ride.

Hope this helps

Thanks for renaming and reposting to the appropriate spot. Sorry 'bout that. To answer your question, yes the cruise control works properly. In fact, everything else works well.

I have been through this with my 96 Limited. Ultimately I wound up replacing the hubs up front. I would recommend that if you decide to go ahead and replace them to get them off of ebay. They are considerably cheaper online than at an auto parts store. To change them is very simple. Just remove tire, brakes, and the large center nut that holds the drive shaft in place. The the hub comes off with 3 bolts that come through from the back side, and unplug the sensor. You can replace both sides in an hour if you have a pneumatic impact. And yes, as mentioned above, the hub and sensor are one unit.

I have been through this with my 96 Limited. Ultimately I wound up replacing the hubs up front. I would recommend that if you decide to go ahead and replace them to get them off of ebay. They are considerably cheaper online than at an auto parts store. To change them is very simple. Just remove tire, brakes, and the large center nut that holds the drive shaft in place. The the hub comes off with 3 bolts that come through from the back side, and unplug the sensor. You can replace both sides in an hour if you have a pneumatic impact. And yes, as mentioned above, the hub and sensor are one unit.

Thanks for the tech tidbits. I sorta figured it would be wiser to change the hubs but had mixed opinions re the sensors being changeable separately. Considering the age and mileage I figured the best bet was to change the hubs. We'll see what the scan shows on Wednesday and I'll let you know from there. Thanks again. Much appreciated.
