AC recharge mistake | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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AC recharge mistake


July 15, 2002
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Sport
Hello everyone,
I have a 95 2dr x running strong with about 85 000 miles on her. AC started blowing warm. tried to recharge with a suicide kit. put two 12 oz 134a cans in. Tried to follow the directons on the can, shake can while charging and rotate every 2-3 seconds between 12 and 3 oclock, however, i misinterpreted what side of the can the directions meant, so I here I am rotating the can from right side up or top up and to the left. not upside down and to the right. ooops. so the system took both cans in about 5 mins each. ac was working great for about three days, now, not so good, compressor only come on when jumped, accumulator gets cold. low side pressure is about 40 psi. when I jump compressor on. What do i do now?

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im curious as to why your compressor needs to be jumped.... hopefully you haven't burnt it out with all of this refrigerant-less running. did you add any oil when you introduce the cans?

my almost-608 training tells me you need to evacuate the system, fill it full of nitrogen and find your leak. (now if only i had a social security number... damn EPA) adding more 134a is just a bandaid solution.

besides geber, how much does your truck need in total? i dont think my ST takes 24oz... i think its closer to 13oz. dont overfill it, thats just asking for problems.

do you have an EPA 609 certification?

I believe your car will take 30 oz. of 134A. My 95 does. If you have refrigerant in it now, then use a leak detector to see if you have a leak. Most oils are fluorescent and will help detect a leak. But at this point, I would think it wise to have an a/c tech take a look at it so you aren't just throwing money at it. You could have other issues. A good set of gauges will tell a lot.

Thats correct 1lbs and 14 oz on the sticker under the hood. I just wonder if too much 134a went in as a Gas? or does it even make a differance? The 134a i bought stated that it contained 2 oz of oil in each can. Kit came with a UV pen light, I cant see any leaks, even checked the draining water from the evaperator. This dye realy glows under the uv light...kinda cool. air is not blowing cold even when the compressor is running.

heres another thing that happens, when the low pressure switch is plugged in and the ac is set to max and fan on high, the engine makes this continuous surging sound, like a rise of about 100 rpms every 3 seconds or so. when i unplug the low press switch the surging stops.

was about to make that suggestion to check low pressure switch - I have had the same problem before. Usually all you have to do is to take the plug off the switch and short it to see if the sytstem works or not.

I will have to look into this problem as well with my 02 Sport - A/C doesn't work and I don't think it leaks. This was a great reminder for me - check before spending money. :thumbsup:
