Active Park Assist Malfunction | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Active Park Assist Malfunction


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
December 28, 2010
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City, State
Russell, Ontario (Ottawa area)
Year, Model & Trim Level
2023 Aviator Reserve 201A
Went to use the Park Assist for the first time since picking up the Ex in March only to have a message pop up saying there is a malfunction and to call the dealer. Taking it in Thursday. All sensors appear to be clear of debris. This will be my first visit to the dealer for a problem with the vehicle.:(

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The bright side, it warned you instead of a malfunction causing damage :)

Went to use the Park Assist for the first time since picking up the Ex in March only to have a message pop up saying there is a malfunction and to call the dealer. Taking it in Thursday. All sensors appear to be clear of debris. This will be my first visit to the dealer for a problem with the vehicle.:(

That's strange.
Did you retry after shutting off your vehicle? Did you try resetting MFT?

Probably good to have it looked at though - I know the Park Sensors are the same ones the EX uses for BLIS and the collision warning and parking - so if the sensors are not working, it would be good to have those fixed.

Mine works flawlessly and it's definitely a neat feature. My dad thought it was the coolest thing when he saw my new car this weekend.


Went to use the Park Assist for the first time since picking up the Ex in March only to have a message pop up saying there is a malfunction and to call the dealer. Taking it in Thursday. All sensors appear to be clear of debris. This will be my first visit to the dealer for a problem with the vehicle.:(
It’s too bad you have an issue with your Park Assist. Please keep us in the loop with what happens when you go in on Thursday. You can also call the Ford of Canada Customer Relationship Center at 1-800-565-3673 if you need additional help.


It’s too bad you have an issue with your Park Assist. Please keep us in the loop with what happens when you go in on Thursday. You can also call the Ford of Canada Customer Relationship Center at 1-800-565-3673 if you need additional help.

Thanks Cory. I'll update after the dealer visit. Have also confirmed the BLIS is not working as well. Both mirror lights come on/off at startup but do not function otherwise.


Thanks Cory. I'll update after the dealer visit. Have also confirmed the BLIS is not working as well. Both mirror lights come on/off at startup but do not function otherwise.

OK, I hope everything goes well at the dealer.


so weird i tried this for the first time last week ( park assist) and it said same thing. i need to get mine into dealer to fix the a pillar rattle too-

and whenever my iphone is plugged in - it acts possessed - buttons dont work - radio switches to FM then back to bluetooth on its own... i cant even dial on the keypad if its plugged in via USB

Went to use the Park Assist for the first time since picking up the Ex in March only to have a message pop up saying there is a malfunction and to call the dealer. Taking it in Thursday. All sensors appear to be clear of debris. This will be my first visit to the dealer for a problem with the vehicle.:(

Dealer diagnosed a bad right front sensor. Apparently the sensors all interact and that is why the BLIS also isn't working. Sensor has been ordered.


Dealer diagnosed a bad right front sensor. Apparently the sensors all interact and that is why the BLIS also isn't working. Sensor has been ordered.

Right front sensor was replaced and everything is working again. Cost of repair was $366 CDN and was covered under the warranty. Part of the cost was for having the body shop paint the sensor to match the vehicle (Platinum White).

Went to use the Park Assist for the first time since picking up the Ex in March only to have a message pop up saying there is a malfunction and to call the dealer. Taking it in Thursday. All sensors appear to be clear of debris. This will be my first visit to the dealer for a problem with the vehicle.:(
I have a 2013 Limited Explorer and I have the same problem. My radio screen freezes with “Caution Active Park Assist Fault” message on it. Unable to have access to radio, climate control, gps, etc. when the engine is running.

I have a 2013 Limited Explorer and I have the same problem. My radio screen freezes with “Caution Active Park Assist Fault” message on it. Unable to have access to radio, climate control, gps, etc. when the engine is running.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
I had that issue with my 2011 Limited the only time I tried to use that feature. Turned out it was a bad sensor and it was replaced under warranty. BTW, the sensor had to be painted to match the vehicle when it was received. I don't recall the screen freezing after the warning message.

