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Add features to 2015 Ford Explorer Sport


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August 24, 2014
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Grand Prairie, TX
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2015 Ford Explorer Sport
Does anyone know if it's possible to add features to a 2015 Ford Explorer Sport after the vehicle has been purchased?

For example. If I wanted the Adaptive Cruise control and Lane keeping features added on to my explorer sport after I purchased it without these features.

Thanks in advance!!


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When I had my 2014 Limited, the dealer said no. There are after market items that are similar (dash-mounted).

Welcome to the Forum TRaymond.:wavey:
I doubt these OEM features can be added after the fact. For one thing, they are integrated with other OEM electrical systems. As AZmom mentioned you may be able to purchase after market products but I don't know if they can be fully integrated with the existing systems. I believe the ACC is part of the collision warning system and also works in conjunction with the brakes.


That's a shame!!! Teaches me a lesson to wait till I find the one I wanted. The dealer only had 3 sports on the lot and I talked myself into not needing those extra features since they didn't have it in stock.

Now that I got it home and in use for a week....I really wish I would have shopped around a bit and found exactly what I wanted.

Oh well....Lesson learned.


For example. If I wanted the Adaptive Cruise control and Lane keeping features added on to my explorer sport after I purchased it without these features.

I don't think its possible to get the Lane Keeping feature on the Sport. The only way I can option it on Ford's US site is by selecting the 302A package for the Limited. So if you're wishing you had held out for the Sport + lane keeping, you'd have been looking for that model for a long time.
