Adding Fog Lights on Base Pre 2016 Model | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding Fog Lights on Base Pre 2016 Model


Well-Known Member
February 25, 2011
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Explorer 2012 3.5 V6 Base
Hi guys, doing some research Ive found this...


Notice part 17D957A, there are two options, with and without front fog lights, each one with different pricing, I guess if someone with the base model orders the part with the fog lights, he'll be able to retrofit them.
Wiring shouldnt be that complicated.
Now we just have to find the part number for the switch.

Any coments ?

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Already bought the switch with the fog light option, 140$ from peach state, and was able to switch it out in about 5 min. Will probably retro fit the fog lamps later this summer, also I have the wiring diagram and everything direct from the service manual if anyone needs it.

switch part # is BB5Z11654AA

Great, thanks for the info on the switch, are you going to get part number 17D957A ?
Im wondering if that part comes with the fog lights or its just the plastic with the holes and mounting brackets for the fog lights.

it doesnt come with the lights, you have to buy the lights and mounting brackets seperate, the funny thing about the current bumper cover on the base model is that all the required holes for the mounting bracket are already there....they just molded closed the holes for the lights....seems pretty stupid to me, I would think just making plastic caps would have been easier

Ok, this is great info youve got, so we dont need to get part number 17D957A.

Do you have part numbers for the brackets and the fog lights ?

Ok, this is great info youve got, so we dont need to get part number 17D957A.

Do you have part numbers for the brackets and the fog lights ?

In reality no you wouldnt need it, but you would have to cut out the portion molded around the fog lamp hole which may be kind of tricky to keep it looking good, I think it would be better in the long run to get the new bumper cover, I will have to dig up the part numbers for you.

Have Fog Lights but No Wiring Neither Switch

Hi guys, I'm from Puerto Rico this is my first post and I want to share something with you. I bought a brand new 2011 explorer one week ago. It is the base model but it came with the exterior appareance package and it have the fog lights installed. In the window sticker there is no mention of the fog lights. When I tried to turn it on there is no switch. I've checked the owners manual and noticed the switch is different. I looked under the car and the fog lights pig tails have no connections. I've talked to the dealer and they are confused and they will going to talk to Ford Motor to know what happened. What do you think?

This is to usranger80 can I have the wiring diagram because I dont see the connectors for the fog lights.

Any help will be appreciated, Thanks

Hi guys, I'm from Puerto Rico this is my first post and I want to share something with you. I bought a brand new 2011 explorer one week ago. It is the base model but it came with the exterior appareance package and it have the fog lights installed. In the window sticker there is no mention of the fog lights. When I tried to turn it on there is no switch. I've checked the owners manual and noticed the switch is different. I looked under the car and the fog lights pig tails have no connections. I've talked to the dealer and they are confused and they will going to talk to Ford Motor to know what happened. What do you think?

This is to usranger80 can I have the wiring diagram because I dont see the connectors for the fog lights.

Any help will be appreciated, Thanks

just pm me your email address and I will send it to you, I cant post it on here. Sounds really strange they would put the fog lamps in and not connect them though, but it should be a pretty easy fix and Ford should def. cover whatever parts needed, like the new switch, does your switch have the auto headlamps setting? I am assuming not, but I find it ridiculous to put fog lamps in and not wire them up?

This afternoon I have the oportunity to crawl under the vehicle and noticed the bumper in the inside has an sticker with the same vin number of the vehicle and something like the color of the bumper and the fog lights. I didn't see any connectors nearby. Check the pictures.

That's right.

I really don't understand why they would do this, but the fix should be easy since all the parts of the lamp are there, check on the drivers side under the hood, right in front on the relay box, follow that heap of wires coming down from the relay box, do you see another unused connector there, probably down about 6-8", if that is there all you, or Ford I guess since its there mix up, should need is the inline connectors to wire it up, and a new switch, if yours has the standard base model one.

Ok I found something like a dummy connector on both side and I think you are correct. Only I need two small harnesses from there to the fog light and the switch. But I have to wait for the dealer and Ford decision. Thank you for your help. You can put the diagram in a host company and send me the link or I can sent another email address. Here is the picture of the alleged connector.

Interesting...... USRanger, did you get the part numbers for the lamps by any chance ?

We should put together a list with all the part numbers required to do this..... :)

This is bizzare!

Anyone found the part number for the fog lights ?

The ones in my 2011X limited are H11. I just got some yellow bulbs to replace the stock bulbs. The should work better in the fog, rain, and snow.

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The ones in my 2011X limited are H11. I just got some yellow bulbs to replace the stock bulbs. The should work better in the fog, rain, and snow.

Thanks, the bulbs are H11, but I meant the part number for the whole lamp
