Adding on to the front bumper | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Adding on to the front bumper


Pumpkin Pilot
Staff member
Elite Explorer
February 8, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Wayoutin, Aridzona
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XL '20 ST
I wanted to get some protection for the headlights and also to help keep the weight off the front of the hood if the truck ever rolls over. The finished design will have another horizontal tube raised a few inches above the one that's already there. It will also have some struts to keep it all braced.


  • bumper.jpg
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holy schnikes, that looks awesome!

I am just gonna quit looking at any more pics of your rig Rick....................makes me way too jealous.:eek:

Looks Great!


hey, whats that jeep doin' in there?!

bionic "grill guard" lookin' good, rick :)

Looks good Rick! Powder coat it black!

Guess after my solid axle, some body work, some paint, wraping my rear bumper around for more protection..... I have to learn to bend and make a front bumper....

Will it ever end?

Looks great Rick!

I'll be painting it black. Powder coat doesn't hold up to well for me for some reason:confused: With flat black paint it's really easy to make it look "brand new again".:rolleyes:

It should be nearly completed by this weekend. At least complete enough for me to pick it up for some New Years wheelin' at Truckhaven :D

Looke great rick!!



  • bumper2.jpg
    74.1 KB · Views: 737

Hey Rick, you know what you oughtta do? Put like 10 light tabs on there and go nuts with lights! Oh wait thats what I would do! LOL.

What happened to that single tube that ran below the nose?

Originally posted by RangerX
What happened to that single tube that ran below the nose?

We cut the mustache off :D Last time at Thaven I kissed a wall with it and it pushed the tube in and scraped the trim around the headlight.

Hrm... If you keep adding parts like that you will end up with an external roll cage to go with your internal cage.. :)


Originally posted by Maniak
Hrm... If you keep adding parts like that you will end up with an external roll cage to go with your internal cage.. :)


yeah. it will most likely end up that way :D One step at a time. The rear bumper is do for a redesign and when that is done it will integrate into the rock sliders.

Rick that looks like the Perfect start to an exo-cage. :thumbsup:

That looks great, Rick. Are you adding lights to it after it has been painted?

simply awesome...thats about all i can say. i like the way you have the front guard, it blends in very well.

keep up the good work.

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