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Aftermarket gauges, oil pressure gauge

Bwana Bob

Well-Known Member
February 2, 2002
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City, State
Morris Plains, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
92 XLT
Hi gang:

Years ago, I put in an A-pillar gauge pod with a voltmeter and oil pressure gauge. I used ISSPRO gauges because they have white pointer which match my stock instrument cluster, backlighting, and domed glass to reduce reflected glare.

I used a pipe T to install the gauge sender. After the warranty expired, the new gauge sender failed, so I'm back to the stock "fake pressure gauge":

I'm thinking of installing the oil pressure gauge mod, so that my stock instrument cluster gauge will work like a real one, and then removing the ISSPRO aftermarket gauge, but what to put in its place?

I'm thinking of a matching ISSPRO vacuum gauge, but would a different gauge be more useful? Like maybe oil temperature? I have the manual transmission, so I don't need a tranny temp gauge.



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Thanks, Roadrunner. That would be the easiest thing to do and probably the most economical.

The ISSPRO oil pressure gauge uses an amplifier between the sender and the gauge, to get a 270-degree sweep. I'll test that before replacing the sender to make sure the gauge amplifier hasn't gone bad too.


...Temp gauges for manual tranny's are still very useful..;)

...I would think with head issues being common, a good water temp gauge that was true, even digital, would be a plus..

..Aldive had that dual electronic gauge that read two different items at the flick of a switch was pretty cool too..or a fuel guage..or a anachronic clock..:dunno:


I used ISSPRO gauges because they have white pointer which match my stock instrument cluster, backlighting, and domed glass to reduce reflected glare.

LMC truck has black faced white pointer gauges.... just a thought. I'm willing to take the gamble for $20 less than the cheapest autometer gauge. I know the shipping is stupid ridiculous from LMC.... but it'd match pretty close.

I use the factory oil pressure gauge, modified to move. I used my air compressor and a label maker to mark where 20, 40 and 60psi were on the gauge..

For my "extra" gauges, I have Transmission line pressure, Transmission temperature and Coolant Temperature. I use the ISSPro gauge too as I really like the 270 degree sweep.


Gauges 002 by maniak_az, on Flickr

