Aftermarket parts that are better than OEM | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aftermarket parts that are better than OEM


Explorer Torture Tester
Elite Explorer
April 3, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Gloucester City, NJ
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 2Dr,2,000 & 04 4dr xlt
I would like to start off this area with two names of aftermarket companies that I think make parts better than OEM.
For suspension = MOOG
Amazing stuff, lasts longer than OEM

And Felpro
Their gaskets are even better than OEM
These are two companies I have never gotten anything bad or defective from.

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I would also like to add Simons Autosports for their aluminum thermostat housing for the 4.0 SOHC.
It is amazing, one piece, and did I say aluminum????


I would also like to add Simons Autosports for their aluminum thermostat housing for the 4.0 SOHC.
It is amazing, one piece, and did I say aluminum????

View attachment 160436

I really wished I bought one of these before I lost the first one on our mustang (2006 w/ 4.0 sohc), or maybe right after that.. I've replaced 3 thermostat housings since this part became available and while it's still cheaper to keep replacing (assuming I'm done replacing them) not having to worry about it or have it ruin a day waiting for AAA to take the vehicle home would have been well worth it.


I am also a big fan of Moog suspension components. They usually provide a product that is at least as good, if not better than stock. Moog often has parts that fix known problems too.

times two on the fel-pro gaskets

In my experience the Ford Racing performance parts are at least as good as OEM, and in the designed application, much better than OEM.

I would like to start off this area with two names of aftermarket companies that I think make parts better than OEM.
For suspension = MOOG
Amazing stuff, lasts longer than OEM

And Felpro
Their gaskets are even better than OEM
These are two companies I have never gotten anything bad or defective from.
I agree with Moog suspension components, but remember they have to be greesed everytime you change your oil and right after you do any serious offroading. I had a greasable Napa brand balljoint go out within 1 year because I did not keep up with greese. Felpro gaskets are O.K., but nothing to brag about in my book. I had a composite Felpro headgasket fail in only 10,000 mi. It's just paper fiber with some plastic mixed in. The paper disintagrated near one of the cooling ports. I am now using generic cheap graphite head and lower intake gaskets because they seal better and they're metalic quality stands up to heat and pressure. $67 for a complete headgasket kit with bolts off ebay vs $80 for Felpro without bolts from Autozone.

Loctite Instant gasket works great although a little expensive. As far as Moog, as long as you are paying attention to the part number games they play they are ok. They list the same base number but add to the suffix or prefix and you can get a not domestic part which fails much sooner. Lately we have gone away from Moog for Super Duty parts as even their US parts have been failing earlier and earlier. At least make sure you watch country of origin!

What about an aftermarket exhaust?

Moog has a lot a Chinese made parts, you just have to check and see where it's made/
USA or China.
I was assistant manager at a major brick and mortar parts store chain (not Autozone).
Depends on which gasket you are buying from Felpro.
Every manufacturer has cut corners in the name of profit in recent years.
Look at some Motorcraft filters for example, they keep getting shorter.
Sylvania SilverStar Ultra 9005 / HB3
I run this brand in all my Fords and the Mazda.

Keep this thread going, as these vehicles age Ford and other parts manufactures will stop stocking and making parts we have a company in Australia called Rare Spairs it’s important to support these outlets and manufacturers by listing them in threads like this .


There isn't just 1 OEM for Ford/L/M parts. For even 1 part on 1 year & model of vehicle, there can be half a dozen Manufacturers (Ms) supplying parts to the assembly line (Original Equipment); all those companies are "OEM"s, and none of them is Ford or Motorcraft (which is just a brand Ford uses to manage licenses for its designs). And over the years & decades, those OEMs can change; the OEM during early production of a vehicle may not continue through the end of that vehicle's years of production. And after production ends, there could be a dozen other Manufacturers of the replacement parts (which will be banded "Ford" &/or "Motorcraft" just like the OE parts). And progressively more of the genuine Ford/MC parts are coming from chy-nah, which means those factories with names we can't read or pronounce are the OEMs. ;)

So the expression "OEM" is nearly meaningless, even when it's used correctly, which is rare.


FelPro IS THE OEM for most Ford gaskets (especially in the '70s-00s). So FelPro can't be "better than OEM".

And Moog is low-grade garbage. I wouldn't put it on a lawn mower. For bushings, I only buy black Energy poly. For hard chassis parts, I try to buy Ford/MC or Dana/Spicer (the OEM for Ford).
