Aftermarket Wheels | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aftermarket Wheels

joshua Evans

October 30, 2019
Reaction score
City, State
Minneapolis Minnesota
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 explorer ST
2020 ST niche wheels install

niche vs204 20x10.5 ET30 with continental DSW extreme contact 295/45/20 could have went with 305's likely

tried a few different set ups this seemed to be the best fit.

mow just need someone to make some springs so i can get the stance correct


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Pictures not accessible. Just seeing links that say “ no permission to view”






hopefully they have shown up this time

those tires look really meaty!

how is the fender clearance, especially in the front? a couple of the angles make it look like they might need flares?

those tires look really meaty!

how is the fender clearance, especially in the front? a couple of the angles make it look like they might need flares?
Yea the angles aren’t the best it was -5 out so I was in a hurry lol.

if you look at the 5th pic down u can see down the side angle they fit just fine no flares needed clearance is mint. Will look better and give a better view once I get some drop springs. I plan to get some better pics of the clearance esp up front this morning since it’s not so cold.

I like it. I was thinking you could drop it an inch or two...

Some better pics the angles yesterday made the proportions look off. Fitment is spot on




the rears look good, but i'm still so sure about the fronts

No fitment issue in the front. Will
Be even better with a drop will sit right inside the fender as it should

View attachment 177190

Have you done full turns and looked underneath? I was told that there was less then 1/2" of space when turning full left/right with the factory 21s" from rubbing the suspension components (I think it was sway bar but not 100%). I ran into this issue when looking for snow tires and trying to find the right offset. Anything 1/2" or more going in would cause rubbing.

Just something for you to check to be safe you don't cause issues going to 295s.

No fitment issue in the front. Will
Be even better with a drop will sit right inside the fender as it should
I think that will notice quite a bit more dirt/slush that will be thrown up against the lower body panels with those wheels. Especially in the front.


Have you done full turns and looked underneath? I was told that there was less then 1/2" of space when turning full left/right with the factory 21s" from rubbing the suspension components (I think it was sway bar but not 100%). I ran into this issue when looking for snow tires and trying to find the right offset. Anything 1/2" or more going in would cause rubbing.

Just something for you to check to be safe you don't cause issues going to 295s.
Yea we tested it all around and have put about 200 miles in so far not a single bit of rubbing

I have worked closely with need4speed and project 6gr out in Cali for a few years now with mustang, Shelby, and focus RS wheels because I’ve owned them all so we have become pretty good at dialing in the most aggressive fitments.

there is about 3/4 of an inch from the front between the tire and suspension and the front stays static so plenty of room

I think that will notice quite a bit more dirt/slush that will be thrown up against the lower body panels with those wheels. Especially in the front.

It does that’s why I clear filmed those areas.

learned that from my lifted F150 with 12.5 wides

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Have you done full turns and looked underneath? I was told that there was less then 1/2" of space when turning full left/right with the factory 21s" from rubbing the suspension components (I think it was sway bar but not 100%). I ran into this issue when looking for snow tires and trying to find the right offset. Anything 1/2" or more going in would cause rubbing.

Just something for you to check to be safe you don't cause issues going to 295s.
Have you done full turns and looked underneath? I was told that there was less then 1/2" of space when turning full left/right with the factory 21s" from rubbing the suspension components (I think it was sway bar but not 100%). I ran into this issue when looking for snow tires and trying to find the right offset. Anything 1/2" or more going in would cause rubbing.

Just something for you to check to be safe you don't cause issues going to 295s.

Was just in the garage. We are far from the sway bar on full turn. And not near any fender well lining either. And this is 10.5 wide

