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air shocks


Well-Known Member
December 16, 2008
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99 xlt ohv
I need new shocks. I have the shackle/TT and leaf spring helpers, but still have the sag. I do tow pretty often. I DONT have factory air ride,can i still get gabriel hi jackers and and air them up to get rid of sag? This may sound stupid but how are they filled?

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Thats a bit out of budget..190 for bags and then a compressor? My rear shocks have 157K on them so anything is an upgrade.

shocks dont support waight, so the age of your shocks makes no diffrence really

Air shocks have always been and will always be a joke. They never hold air. When aired with out a load they ride like crap! I can't believe they still make the things.

I need new shocks. I have the shackle/TT and leaf spring helpers, but still have the sag. I do tow pretty often. I DONT have factory air ride,can i still get gabriel hi jackers and and air them up to get rid of sag? This may sound stupid but how are they filled?

check out they have some Monroes that go from 20psi to 150psi. You fill them up with an air compressor. If you DO tow often then look into them but for load assistance only.They aren't going to get rid of the sag.

How much more towing capacity do you need? Helper springs will eliminate the sag and add about 550# capacity. I don't know how they ride unloaded,I'm guessing not too bad since it's only 550# more.I'm currently looking into the best way to level mine out. The Monroes claim 1200# in assistance.

You can find the helper springs @ Summit also,Helwig is the manufacturer. They are $80 something for both sides.

Add a leaf and helper springs aren't the same thing. TIL

Air shocks put the weight of the body onto the shock mounts...something they were NEVER designed to carry. You are asking for big trouble going that route. I'm shocked they aren't illegal.

New springs is the PROPER way to go. But if you don't want to do that, then IZ has offered you a very decent solution that puts the weight in the proper place.

hey there, the guys who posted above are correct, the shocks aren't made to carry load, they control they way which your suspension loads and unloads due to the strain on them and the way which the suspension travels, however if you have helper springs and they are installed correctly then you add carrying capicity when you springs are loaded, don't forget that adding shackles slightly changes your leaf spring geomtry can causes them to work a bit differently although this isn't significant enough,

I added and i recommend all explorer owners to do is to add a leaf to your pack, I ordered the kit from Summit and I couldn't be happier ! the stance is much better the truck handles loads better and it rides better because don't forget when your carrier ( king) leaf is worn down from age the weight of the rig is on the helper and load leafs they don't reflex the same way,

so add a leaf is the way to go, other than changing your leaf packs, the job is a pain in the butt but something you can handles in the driveway with basic tools

good luck

leaf springs

These guys have leaf springs at a good price, if they carry your model year. Should add 1000 lbs to the load capacity on the rear, though your whole set may need replaced if they are wore out.
