All Ford Nationals and Paragon run, (PA) May 2003!! | Page 18 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All Ford Nationals and Paragon run, (PA) May 2003!!

if they're still calling for rain friday night i'm gonna cancel the trip :(

i can't afford to drive 2.5 hours for nothing.

is it too late to enter to park where everyone else is parking? how do I find out where all the explorers are going to park and get with them? if it's too late it's o.k. i'm such a procrastinater.

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I think you'll have to register at the gate. I'm still going, no matter what, and I need to pull my front end apart, for the 2nd time this week. Paragon will happen in any weather, hell, rain just makes it more interesting, and be prepared to get dirty

I was talking to lindsey and the show goes on rain or shine aparently they break out tarps or tents or something. There is only a chance of showers all three days, besides i dont think a little water will hurt any one thier truck. :)

I just wish it would stop raining for a few day's so I can clean my truck, I hate when it's covered with road dirt, mud is cool but not road dirt

lol, I just got stuck on a local dirt road, wheel was buried up to the hub, and of coarse, I need to go under the truck to engage 4wd, so here I am, laying in the mud, putting the case in 4high, well, at least I got myself out:p

Someone needs to get down to a ford dealership and buy a certain $5 part.

should be in tomorrow:p

I won't be going on the Paragon run. I don't even know what Paragon is..:rolleyes:

I'm talking about the All Ford Nationals. If it rains i doubt alot of the entries won't show up therefore it would be a waste of gas for me to drive there.

I've went through three weeks of constant work on the damn thing! Its going if i have to tow it there. Although i shouldn't say that, as of now, its got a dead battery from sitting so long. But like they say, the show must go on!!

Carlisle is an F'n blast, even if there's only half the vendors/show cars there and it's raining I'm going to have a great time.

Hell, I can,t even bring my Ford and I'm going.

Ok, everyone remember that the soda machines and food vendors at Carlisle are EXPENSIVE!!! Bring lots of liquid and food for yourselves and anyone riding with you. Last year we didn't bring enough liquid and ran out early.

What are we doing during the show? From the pics I saw of last year is seemed like you spent a lot of time hanging out around your trucks. I guess I'll bring some of those folding chairs. What else goes on at the show that you might need money for? Are there a lot of tents and things that sell stuff I might be interested in? What are the chances of finding a saleen wing here? (dibs if there is one ;) )

well, last year, I don't think I left the trucks much at all, but I plan to walk the grounds this time, there were a lot of real nice cars and truck that I missed by not walking around

When do they give out awards? And what do they give out?

there are awards for each class and then a best of show. I'll be there rain or shine i wont let a little water scare me away. I got some work done on the truck today too. i got the headlights in grill in, doesnt quite look right since the grill and header panel are busted up but itll do. i replaced the shift linkage and got the floor plate in, installed the CB and remote speaker and cleaned all the windows. :) I've also got some stuff packed up. I'm just about ready to go. :)

Originally posted by 98FordX24
... What else goes on at the show that you might need money for? Are there a lot of tents and things that sell stuff I might be interested in? What are the chances of finding a saleen wing here? (dibs if there is one ;) )

The show is also a bigass swap meet. There are TONS of vendors of both new and used parts there. Don't know if you can find a Saleen wing, but there is a lot of stuff for sale.

We sat around a lot last year 'cause it was so damn hot!!! We all got cooked.

Don't let a chance of rain scare you new guys off- we have fun regardless ;)

Last year we did hide in the shade, but some of us took turns walking around while some stayed behind and babysat the trucks (always a good idea since there's always that unsavory type who thinks they can make off with somebody's stereo)

*wonders if she'll have to fight Cj for a Saleen wing* lol- j/k. You never know what you'll find there, bud- Saleen brings their bigass trailer and some of their show 'Stangs, as well as a bunch of parts, so I wouldn't doubt you might find one!

I'm thinking a slight change in departure time for the show: The ONLY East Coast appearance of the new Mustang happens at 10am on saturday morning..if you guys don't mind, we'll try and be at the fairgrounds by then to witness it. It'll be there for the whole show, but it would be kinda cool to see J.Mays introduce it! :cool:

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My list of finished things done to my truck: (nyah nyah :p )

tranny fluid, Tcase fluid, motor oil (went to synthetic), added to the rear diff 's fluid, radiator fluid, fuel filter (Jeff is da BAWMB! Have I said thank you lately? :D )

Installed: Transmission cooler, New Spiro sparkplug wires, oodles of wire loom (trying to be like Mike, lol)

got the wheels aligned and balanced, cut holes and flush mounted a new pair of tweeters, finished my glass quarter panel amp cover, fixed my smurf lights, put in one more neon (bite me, Fug)

Cleaned: The entire intake system, washed, detailed, waxed the entire truck, detailed the engine, attacked my busted rim with a Dremel, let the air out of my spare so the sway bar really works now :D

Truck's in the body shop getting his dents from the ex-sunvisor and BB's fixed right now....

I AM SOOOOOOOO GOOD TO GO as of 7am tomorrow! Hope you all are the same way.... :D
