All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005 | Page 16 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All Ford Nationals, Pa. June 3-5th, 2005

So who is planning on getting trashed sat night at the campground??? And when does alcohol stop being sold in PA? And can I get alcohol at a gas station or does it have to be at some stupid liqour store?

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That was real nice of you to send me directions but I won't be there.. :p

Beer is at a beer distributor by the case or some bars and pizza places by the 6 pack. Liquor is at state stores only. They all have different hours but law says liquor stores close at 10, bars close at 2

Tex, when ever ur comin up to meet that friend u need to give me directions to that, and i hope we are drinkin sat night, ill bring some alki and cant wait to see everyone there, i think i might show my truck, ill just put a for emblem over the dodge one hehe

Lookin' forward to hanging out.
I was lookin' at pics from last years AFN.
My ex has seen more than a few changes since then :).

I dont know what time I will arrive at the hotle.
I am only working half day, so I could eaisly meet some one on the way.

I dunno about y'all, but wheelin' with a hangover suuuuuuucks :eek: I'll be drinking, but not as bad as last year (No YUENGLING! UGH!) Heh... know how I know this is gonna be a good run? (I'm sure only one person in particular will get this but I know he'll crack a smile about it..) System's latest CD just came out :D B.Y.O.B, Y'ALL!!

Fug, it doesn't matter if you can make it or not, you're still a part of this inbred, backwards-ass dysfunctional family whether you're here or in Weeziana :p

Numi, go dent a Subaru or something you little **** :D ;)

Systems latest CD also sucks

TheRookie said:
Systems latest CD also sucks

Way to be optimistic!! :rolleyes: ;) :D Looks like its going to turn out to be a good weekend! And they just finished putting in my windshield :D :D

Yep.... Ill probably be callin the 'retard' for directions to red ridge, UNFORTUNATLY I get lost all the time, I still cant get to paragon by myself so the 'retard' might be gettin 2 calls :p UNFORTUNATE

IAmTodd said:
Way to be optimistic!! :rolleyes: ;) :D Looks like its going to turn out to be a good weekend! And they just finished putting in my windshield :D :D

you should nock on wood on that prediction...i'm hopeing, fingers crossed, its still only tuesday though...

can't wait going to be an awesome time... :D

well some good news, my xplorer might be making it after all! i dont think im going to park in the show field, but its up for some wheeling, if i can get up early enough to meet you guys that is lol :D

TheRookie said:
Beer is at a beer distributor by the case or some bars and pizza places by the 6 pack. Liquor is at state stores only. They all have different hours but law says liquor stores close at 10, bars close at 2

Screw that, Ill just pick some up at a gas station here in WV before I go up just to be sure. Its prolly cheaper anyway. To bad I didnt bring my 5 person beer bong with me from Texas.

5 person beer bong, huh :eek: Guess I better find my plastic playing cards for this year :D

John, you say "unfortunate" one more time and I'm seriously gonna have to beat you! Right after I handcuff that 'retard' to a tree and give him a galactic wedgie :p

Well I'm out.. My front differential housing has a crack in it.

Blee1099 said:
Well I'm out.. My front differential housing has a crack in it.

Well you suck! Now who am I gonna ride with ;) Can't get a new one by Friday?

Looks like they're calling for rain Friday/Saturday, figures. :(

I wish I could and afford one. I've been quoted $350 for a used one with no guarante and $650 for one with a 30 day guarantee.

WOW! It's been a while since I've been on the site. I really wanted to make it to the AFN but it creeped up faster than I expected. I'm gonna shine up Buddy and clean up the interior and hopefully I'll be ready for Paragon on Sunday. :D

98Sport said:
Tex, when ever ur comin up to meet that friend u need to give me directions to that

Im meeting her sat for lunch in Harrisburg :)

I may be there if I can convince myself JB weld will hold up to my antics on the trails.

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Blee1099 said:
I may be there if I can convince myself JB weld will hold up to my antics on the trails.

Duct tape and a few hose clamps too :) If all else fails, you got Draper to drag your sorry ass back. I'll tow the sammy :D ;)
