All you need to know about keyless entry | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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All you need to know about keyless entry


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2007
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01, mountaneer
How to find the Security Keyless Keypad Code on the 1995-2001 Ford Explorer or Mountaineer and how to use the Keypad functions.

When your vehicle was newly purchased from the dealer it came with a card in the owner’s manual packet that had the keypad code on it. The packet is often lost and/or discarded over time and as the vehicle trades owners the code to the Keyless Entry is lost. Ford Dealers wants some big money to get the code for you by plugging in their computer to retrieve the code or using the following method. Luckily there is a much easier and cheaper way for you to get the code and you do not need any tools or automotive knowledge. I’ll show you how and where to find the code and how to reset the Keyless Entry back to the factory code or your personal code number.

How to find the Security Keyless Keypad Code on the 1995-2001 Ford Explorer or Mountaineer and how to use the Keypad functions. The factory code is also printed on a label which is installed on the Remote Anti-theft Personality (RAP) Module. This is the module that controls the keyless entry system. It is located in the left rear quarter behind the removable panel (see photo). You will need to turn the two thumb screws counter clockwise and take the plastic panel off to be able to see the unit. A flashlight may be helpful in seeing the code. You are looking for the module and the 5 digit code on it like the one shown below.


Now that you’ve got the code I’ll tell you how to use the Keyless entry and set-up your own code.Make sure when pressing the controls on the keyless entry keypad you press the middle of the buttons to ensure good contact with the controls.
Programming your own personal entry code
1. Enter the factory-set code (keypad will illuminate when first digit is pressed).
2. Press the 1/2 control within five seconds of step 1.
3. Enter your personal 5-digit code. Enter each digit within five seconds of the previous one.
Your personal code does not replace the factory-set code. You can use either code to unlock your vehicle. Each time you set a new personal code the module will erase the previous one in favor of the new code. The factory-set code can not be erased.
Erasing your own personal code or a prior owners code and leaving only the factory-set code
1. Enter the factory-set code.
2. Press the 1/2 control within five seconds of step one 1.
3. Press the 7/8 and 9/0 controls at the same time within five seconds of step two.
The system will now only respond to the factory-set code.
Unlocking the doors with the Keyless Entry System
1. Enter either the factory-set code or the personal code (Each digit must be pressed within five seconds of the prior digit). The interior lights will illuminate as soon as the first valid digit is pressed.
2. To unlock all the doors, enter the factory set code or a personal code and press the 3/4 control within five seconds of the drivers door unlocking.
Locking the doors wit the Keyless Entry System
1. Press 7/8 and 9/0 controls at the same time. The 5-digit code does not have to be entered to lock the doors.
Deactivating/Activating Auto-lock
1. Enter the five 5-digit code.
2. Press and hold 7/8 control.
3. Press and release 3/4 control while holding 7/8 control.
4. Release 7/8 control.
The horn will chirp once if auto-lock was deactivated or twice if auto-lock was activated.
To program the hand held remotes:
Unlock all doors using the power door lock/unlock control. Insert a key and turn the ignition from the 1 (OFF/LOCK) to the 3 (ON) position and cycle between 1 (OFF/LOCK) and 3 (ON) eight times in rapid succession (within 10 seconds) with the eighth turn ending in the 3 (ON) position. The locks will cycle to confirm that the programming mode has been entered. Within 20 seconds, program a remote transmitter by pressing any button on a transmitter. The locks will cycle once to confirm that the remote transmitter has been programmed. (If more than 20 seconds pass before pressing a remote transmitter button, the programming mode will exit and the procedure will have to be repeated.) Repeat the previous step to program additional remote transmitters. NOTE: All fobs must be programmed on the same time for all fobs to work. The locks will cycle once to confirm that each remote transmitter has been programmed. When you have completed programming the remote transmitters, turn the ignition to the 1 (OFF/LOCK) position or wait 20 seconds. Again the doors will lock/unlock to confirm programming has been completed.



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Ahhh you just saved me $35!!! The ford dealership wanted to charge me that much to go into the computer as you said. I said "Okay, thanks" and walked away, deciding I'd just deal with not being able to use my keypad. I found the code just where you said and it worked!! Thanks for posting this!!

Ahhh you just saved me $35!!! The ford dealership wanted to charge me that much to go into the computer as you said. I said "Okay, thanks" and walked away, deciding I'd just deal with not being able to use my keypad. I found the code just where you said and it worked!! Thanks for posting this!!

Glad i could help :D

Oh and i just wanted to add this, If you bought your truck used and din't get a remote with it 99% of the time the people din't give them to the dealership or the dealer lost the or is keeping them And you have the keypad you can ussaly add a remote with the steps above which is pretty nice.

Awesome!! Now I can take that dumb aftermarket crap off my truck and program a factory remote. Thanks Xan

Thanks (and another tip)

Thanks for the info and especially the photos so I knew exactly what I was looking for. I was able to read my code, but it was tough! There is only about 1" of clearance between the module and the side panel. Plus the label on my module was way back in there and couldn't be read directly.

So I pushed side panel out by wedging a pair of pliers between the bottom of the module and the side panel, that gave me an extra 3/4". Then with a dental mirror and a flashlight I was able to read the code (backwards) -- it was still difficult, but do-able.

I wrote the code on the inside of the jack panel, so it'd still be hidden but easier to find next time!


Thanks for posting this valuable information! This should be in the useful threads section of this forum. Do you have any information for Explorers below 1995, and above 2001?
I took the liberty of doing this-

Here is a picture with the panel removed completely.


  • 1.jpg
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you know it stinks to here dealers charge for retrieving the code. i worked at ford for years and i always showed the customers where the code was located. alot of ford cars print the code on a sticker and stick it inside the trunk or on the hinges for the trunk lid.

you know it stinks to here dealers charge for retrieving the code. i worked at ford for years and i always showed the customers where the code was located. alot of ford cars print the code on a sticker and stick it inside the trunk or on the hinges for the trunk lid.

Sometimes the sticker on the RAP is illegible or missing and the only way to get the code is at a dealership.

My 95 Explorer doesn't seem to have power to the passive alarm system or the keyless entry system. I have a remote, found the codes as described but nothing is working. I don't even get the red security light on the dash when I close the doors and lock them using the power lock buttons. I have looked for fuses that are burned out and all seem to be in good order. Any ideas?

My 95 Explorer doesn't seem to have power to the passive alarm system or the keyless entry system. I have a remote, found the codes as described but nothing is working. I don't even get the red security light on the dash when I close the doors and lock them using the power lock buttons. I have looked for fuses that are burned out and all seem to be in good order. Any ideas?

Have you checked the RAP module?

This is seriously kick-ass stuff, I have wanted that code for two years now. Mucho Gracias Bro!! Pablo

p.s. if you have another ford vehicle with the keypad and a trunk you can enter the code then push 5/6 and the trunk will pop

Have you checked the RAP module?
Thanks Al. No I haven't and at this moment I don't know what the RAP module is or where it is. Can you steer me in the right direction?


Sometimes the sticker on the RAP is illegible or missing and the only way to get the code is at a dealership.

even when the code is missing it is very easy to retrieve the code with the ngs or wds. using the green service card acessing the rap and displaying the pid for the code is less than 5 mins. even worse is the fees that dealers charge to program a pats key. this is a 10 min process that normally they charge at least an our of labor to comlete

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i bought my 96' exploder used a few years ago. It came with no keyless entry remote. Since I have the keypad on the drivers door to unlock the door, does that mean that I should be able to buy an after market remote and programm it to my explorer? I'm just not sure if it even had one in the first place, but considering it has the keypad on the outside im thinkn maybe it did?
