Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006 | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Annual Truck Haven California Run 2006 Feb 4-5 2006

tdavis said:
Remember folks, it gets cold at night in the desert, and the fire is one way to keep warm!
Or you can sit in your truck with it running most of the night with the heater on while everyone else enjoys the fire... ;) :rolleyes:

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So, Colin, does that mean if the Explorer is rocking, don't come knocking?


Then we will just have to go over and pull them out of their Explorer, and force them to socialize with the rest.


tdavis said:
Then we will just have to go over and pull them out of their Explorer, and force them to socialize with the rest.
But we didn't really care for them to socialize. Do you not remember what I'm talking about?

The one whos name we shall not mention....... What do I win!!!!!!!!!!

Hey Colin thats a mighty nice looking X on your avatar :)

Felix said:
The one whos name we shall not mention....... What do I win!!!!!!!!!!
You are correct! You win a... uhhh... a... a brand new set of headphones...?

Felix said:
Hey Colin thats a mighty nice looking X on your avatar :)
How about this one. Matt, Tracy and I found the same spot yours was taken.


You are correct! You win a... uhhh... a... a brand new set of headphones...?

How about this one. Matt, Tracy and I found the same spot yours was taken.


Only you didn't tke out rear corner :p

I wasn't there for that one.. :confused:

I only did a little clearancing. The tires were rubbing on those useless pieces of the body anyway.

Yea I remember that little dirt pit. I also remember having to take the tail light out to do a little re-alignment for the hatch to close all the way.

How much are the dash plaques and is there still time for me to order one?

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Felix said:
How much are the dash plaques and is there still time for me to order one?
Dead Link Removed is where you sign up and in the box for plaque put yes or no And they are $5 pay when you recive
