Anti Theft | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anti Theft


New Member
November 3, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Newalla, OK
Year, Model & Trim Level
08 SporTrac XLT
The instrument cluster on my 2008 Sport Trac is defective so I bought a used one on ebay. Same part number, no problem there. After I installed it my truck would not even try and start and I noticed the anti-theft warning light is rapidly blinking. I called around and found a company that would solve this problem for $485.00. Does anyone know of a DIY method to reprogram the truck? I can barely spell mechanic so I hope there is a simple fix.

Download Forscan and perform IC and PATS pairing procedure

I ordered a OBS link adapter that should be here in a couple of days and I will see if I can do it. Thank you very much for your help. David
