Any Advice on a Ford Ranger engine swap?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any Advice on a Ford Ranger engine swap??


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December 5, 2008
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2002 Ford Ranger Edge
So I own a 2002 3.0 V6 Ford Ranger edge (2WD automatic) and I've seen ford rangers on the internet with 5.0 V8 engines from a explorer.
I was wondering if I were going to swap my v6 to a v8 out of an explorer,

What year of engines should I use?

What kind of modifications can I expect?

Is it possible for me to change from an automatic to a manual with the v8?

Would there be any other parts from the explorer that I would need for the engine swap?

How much would it cost?

I would appreciate you opinion,

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Search for V8 Swap.

2001 ford ranger 3.0 engine. What other engine years will work?

well because you already have a 3.0l i would say do a supercoupe swap




I'm quite new to the site, and ever new-er to the Ranger community. I just purchased a used 2001 Ford Ranger 2WD auto short bed and I have been searching frantically for ways to start building upon it. The questions I had in mind were about engine swaps mainly. For instance, I was wanting to know if there's anyone that could give me advice on doing a 3.0L to 4.0L swap, or even maybe a 3.0 (3.0 is the engine in it at the moment) to a 4.6 swap. Also I saw that someone suggested the possibility of doing a SuperCoupe swap and I was interested moreso in that as opposed to the 3.0, 4.0, 4,6 swap just for the benifit of already having a supercharger on top. The main reason I want to build power in this truck is mainly because I'm used to having high powered (so to speak since everyones version of ''high powered'' varies) V8's, and due to needing a smaller vehicle for work, and for fuel savings, I went ahead and purchased the truck used from a dealership for 3,000 with only 70,000 on the odo and it being a ''retired'' company vehicle for the Indiana State Building inspector. Advice is much appreciated!
