Any Difference 91-94 96-2000 rear springs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any Difference 91-94 96-2000 rear springs?


Elite Loser
Staff member
Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
San Diego, PRofK
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 XLT
Does anyone know if there is any difference between the rear leaf springs from my 1994 to the 1996? I want a set of Old Man Emu leaf springs, which ARB says are not available for pre 1996 models. I know there are several different leaf spring packs for the Explorers, I just mean, will the 1996 leaf springs work on a 1994 Explorer?

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I believe the second gen explorers have a mono leaf setup.

Someone corerct me if i am woring though


Isles4evr said:
I believe the second gen explorers have a mono leaf setup.

Someone corerct me if i am woring though

The Sports do. From what I know, all 4-door X packs are the same.

All I know is the springs on my 91 are thicker than the ones on my brother Geralds 99.

AspenX said:
All I know is the springs on my 91 are thicker than the ones on my brother Geralds 99.

I have '91 springs in my '99 Sport and yeah, the springs themselves are thicker but they bolted on no problems

Whatever Robb. Such a smarta$$ :rolleyes:

yeah man i know..i was just messing with robb. I didn't mean to come off condensinding (sp?)

I think I got this right, since I have a 4 door and I am talking about Old Man Emu leafs (4 leafs, dual spring guides, military wrap, secondary leaf is full length to help prevent axle wrap, overload leaf has its own spring guide, cost half as much as custom leafs with same features, etc.), they are not mono leafs.

If the 91 leafs bolted right up to your 99, then the 96 leafs from OME should bolt up to my 94. It means they are the same. Is your gas tank on the 99 right next to the left side leafs like on the 94?

Here is what I got from ARB:
"Sorry, we don't know what the differences between the newer and older leaf sets are, we haven't had an older Explorer in for inspection.

You might check with a couple of the Ford forums to see if someone can tell you."


Yeah you should be fine then. Just as long as someone else has done it, and it worked.

While OME makes good stuff, they are kind of pricey. You could contact Eaton Detroit Spring and have them make EXACTLY what you want for less. Have a look at the "F150 Leaf Spring Mod" sticky in the Suspension & Lift Form for approximate pricing and and Eaton's web site. You can email the owner of the company directly ( for more info.

Deaver wants $750, National wants $600 and they always end up too stiff or too soft. These are around $400 and work, cause I've seen them on a rig already. I like to go with what I know works.

You can install 2nd gen rear springs on a first gen x. The OME-36 springs (2" lift) are officially made for a 2nd gen (1996), but fit a first gen. The Bushings in the springs (1st to 2nd gen) are different, but otherwise I belive they are completly interchangable.


I just want the standard OME, no lift (already have spring over). Know the part number??

In that case you want standard OEM (4 door), not OME... OME is Old Man Emu (part of ARB). They make a 2" lift spring for the explorer.

I don't have the OEM part number but Tory from FPN (Ford Parts Network, a sponsor here) can get you the springs and most likely even after shipping it is cheaper than buying it from your local Ford Dealer.


No, I already have the POS OEM springs, I already checked and Old Man Emu makes a standard height spring for the Explorer.

BKennedy said:
No, I already have the POS OEM springs, I already checked and Old Man Emu makes a standard height spring for the Explorer.

I wasn't aware OME had stock height springs.. In that case, that should work. At you most, you may have to buy bushings for the springs (I can't remember if OME springs came with the bushings)


When I called 4WheelParts they said they carry the stock height and a two inch lift spring from OME.

