Any semi long term luck with cheap Ebay radiators ? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any semi long term luck with cheap Ebay radiators ?


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
Any semi long term luck with cheap Ebay radiators ?
Being the Sploddy isn't my daily I figure it wouldn't hurt to save some money (in an unstable financial situation now) and try a cheapy....probably don't even put 5K a year on her, and recently my semi local OFF ROAD PARADISE IS SHUT DOWN (last reasonable place LEFT in So Cal :mad::angryfire:) therefore it might be even less per year going forward.
For anyone who has had luck if you could search your email for Ebay purchase and get exact seller to pass on to me that would be great.

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I’m currently running TYC in both of mine. RockAuto purchases. One of them sprung a leak inside the warranty period.

My only experience with true cheapo eBay radiators is on my motorcycle, a Honda V65 Magna. It was a Chinese radiator, and the fit was absolutely terrible.

It’s easy for me to say here, but every time I try to save a buck, I end up paying more in the end. Unless the warranty on the eBay unit is pretty solid, and you’re sure the seller will be around long enough to honor it, I’d avoid. Buy once, cry once.

Do you absolutely need the Ex? If not, it may be smarter to just pickle it until your situation improves.

I went ahead and just pulled the trigger on a random cheapo, the seller has an overall good history rating and a high number rating, as in they've been around on Ebay for a while... and have many of this one in stock. I was going to go with SunbeltRadiators being they have a lifetime warranty, pay $40 more for their chinese radiator but no surprise I'm required to pay FULL return shipping costs after deinstalling it. So as stated I wont stress getting this one being the low activity / low mileage I will be putting on it. Also the majority of claims against many of these online outlets I've noticed is damage during the shipping, Sunbelt is all the way in Penn (I'm in Cali) and the one I went with is only 40 miles away, so less chance of damage / return headache.

If these things are gonna fail, it’s usually the tanks on the ends. Check the crimps

the fully tig welded all aluminum units from ebay are hit or miss
I have had good luck with them
However I have also lost two of them due to leaks developed at the welds, after 3-5 years of service
Both of these were on Gen i trucks (TTB)
i have installed about 10 of these ebay units in the last 10 years or so...80% still on the road

/\ Good to know...thanks again boss!
