Anyone ever complete a 5.0 swap on a 01-03 Sport? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone ever complete a 5.0 swap on a 01-03 Sport?


New Member
June 20, 2005
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Austin TX
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02 Sport
I'm thinking about doing either a 302 swap or some LSx based engine in my 2dr Sport and wanted to see if anyone had a write-up for the 302 swap and what issues may arise that may be different than other explorer swaps.

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no but there is a 5.0 swap on a sport trac which is the same

If you use a 01 sport it would most likely be the easiest since it would be the same year as the last 5.0 Explorer which would be the simplest swap.

Do the LSx. Please do a write up on anything that caused you trouble.

Ford engines are not as friendly as GM engines. Ford parts are more expensive and weak. The stock 302 block will only handle 500 horse power reliably. LS blocks are good to 1000 hp.

there is someone in this forum i forgot his username and he has a 5.0 in his sport trac

Yes 02 trac I completed is a daily driver for my stepson

I have done many conversions over the years and seen many more ask away!
