Anyone have a list of socket sizes for the suspension? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone have a list of socket sizes for the suspension?


Explorer Addict
April 30, 2001
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04 EB V8
Need to make sure I have all the right socket sizes for the bolts of my first gen suspension, before doing my 2" lift. I already have the coil spring size. I'd like...

Upper & lower Shock bolt size front
Upper & lower Shock bolt size rear
leaf spring end & front size's
u-bolt size's
Spring pack center bolt


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There's a pretty good write-up on replacing the shocks. I think it's in the "List of Useful Threads" Forum. But, I don't recall if the nut/bolt sizes are mentioned. You also might want to check my F150 Leaf Spring Mod thread. I know I put metric wrench sizes in the write-up but I did not remove the main leaf, so I would not have noted the size of those fasteners. 10mm and 18mm seems to spring to mind.

Good Luck - Dave.

Most fasteners are going to be 13,15 and 18mm and I forget what size nut holds on the coil spring but it's pretty big.

Coil spring is 1 1/8" deep well. You can reach it with a deep socket, extension, and perhaps an impact swivel by going down through the engine compartment from the top - through the hole in the top spring mount.

Just go buy a socket and wrech set, then you don't have do worry about it.

i thought i ran into a 19 or two yesterday while taking my sway bars, shocks, and leafs off?

the shocks are 13/15 though for sure.

I have a socket set, but it's not complete.
I bought 13mm, 15mm, 18mm, & the 1 1/8" deep socket for the springs. All 1/2" drive with a new ratchet, & a 5" & 6 " extension.
Can anyone tell me what size is the leaf spring pack bolt?

i believe that is an 19. honestly, did it yesterday and dont' remember for sure.
i'd check but my truck is in my friends garage 1.5 hrs away.


With the age of your truck and the fact that it's been exposed to all of that salt air, you might have to cut the leaf pack bolt off. The factory head of that bolt is round (to fit in the hole in the axle mounting plate). So, you'll need a pair of vice-grips and a 9/16" or 5/8" (I think ??) wrench or socket. One thing I have is a handy decimal-to-fraction-to-metric conversion chart (it's printed on a 4x6 plastic card). There are quite a few metric sized fasteners that can be removed with an SAE tool. But, those leaf pack bolts were never that tight to begin with (the u-bolts do most of the work). You might even get away with a vice-grip and a crescent wrench. PB Blaster (or another penetrating fluid) will help, too. If you do have to end up cutting it off, use a c-clamp to hold the leaf pack together, otherwise those leaves are going to sping apart, with some force, when the bolt is cut.

Hope this helps - Dave.

technically the front coil spring nut is a 28mm deep socket, just go to sears n buy that socket it will fit right on.

explrig91 said:
technically the front coil spring nut is a 28mm deep socket, just go to sears n buy that socket it will fit right on.

Sears didn't have it.

Its hard to find a 28mm deep socket anywhere

..If you are needing the coil seat nut size, I use an 1-1/8 wrench...I have seen some that take a 1-1/16 wrench too...:dunno:

...I might add that that is the same size wrench I use to remove the Radius arms from the beams and, the Radius arm bushings...
