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Anyone have experience with this before?


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March 9, 2008
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i don't have that exact one, but i have the one that is a step up from it that detects 12 bands. It has saved my ass countless times. works around corners, over hills, only had one or two incidents when i came in late, but i still didn't get tagged.

What does each of the symbols on the screen mean? The guy I bought it from lost the directions.

There is:

V/s (i think that is one of them)

i think L is laser, mine goes wild when im at one of the lights in my town, the light has red light cameras so it goes wild for a few seconds.

K/KA are the most common bands that cops use around me, but i get it alot when im by a bestbuy or other stores with security.

X i get from state troopers and the undercover cops more often, but i disregard it because it always goes off for store security systems.
