Anyone Have lift law issues in Massachusetts? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone Have lift law issues in Massachusetts?


NEX Vice President
Moderator Emeritus
July 5, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Brockton, MA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 XLT 4x4
Anyone have problems with Massachusetts Lift law? (Big PITA as always). Their formula is Wheel base x track width / 2200 (+1" for variance) so my calc is about 111.9 x 70.2 / 2200 = 3.57+1 = 4.57"

I'm planning on lifting my truck 5.5 -6" and would like to know if I'm going to have problems with the Lift law? Has anyone had problems lifting ANY vehicle in MA?

Any problems getting it inspected?
Any problems with local or state police?

I find it hard to imagine police or inspection stations are going to have each vehicle specs on hand to evaluate the lift.

I haven't had any trouble yet anyways. Even the cop that stopped me for speeding didn't say anything. But then again i'm not lifted nearly that far either.

supposedly, at your annual sticker inspection they are supposed to check it, and the staties carry yardstics. Yet I see TONS of highboys that have yet to be pulled off the road. Case in point: former neighbor with a CJ5, massive mudders and a suspension lift making his rear bumper FOUR FEET off the ground! Yet he cant go over speed bumps faster than 2 mph or his hemmoroids flare up. He gets pulled over all the time, too.

I say go for it.
