Anyone in Nor Cal with a 2012 that wants nerf bars? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone in Nor Cal with a 2012 that wants nerf bars?


June 26, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Santa Clara, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 XLT
Long story, but I wound up with an extra set that is just taking up space in my garage at the moment. I don't want to ship them, so I'm trying to skip the fleabay step.

Still in the original shipping box, available for a reasonable price. Shoot me a PM if interested.

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Chrome or black?

Hey Tio, gotten a chance to play in your boat lately? How's the quest for 30mpg coming? Texas been treatin' ya good?

Glad to see ya back on the board!

Hey Tio, gotten a chance to play in your boat lately? How's the quest for 30mpg coming? Texas been treatin' ya good?

Glad to see ya back on the board!

Hey VinceL.....well hopefully for St. Patty's Day we'll be playing on the boat. Been busy trying to get a team together for a mission I got going on, so no time to experiment.....

I however have not been seeing my usual 28mpgs on these hilly roads in central Texas....I did manage to get the CGS mufflers on and not the rest of the crap piping..

Stay away CGS horrible attention to detail and waste of time and money. I'm surprised Ford would reach to them for a build up for SEMA...what a waste.

I'm trying to get back on the boards!

Chrome. They've got individual step pads (black rubber/abs) for the front and rear.

Can you tell us the brand i,e. Aries and what the dimensions of the box are? I'm originally from San Jose I can have family pick them up if they have all the mounting brakets and screws and if you can email me pics to

