Anyone in the Washington DC/Baltimore Area? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone in the Washington DC/Baltimore Area?


Active Member
August 29, 2012
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2020 XLT
Just curious if anyone else in the DC area had any issues with their map/GPS?

I took my first long trip in my 2020 XLT this past week and noticed somewhere around the northern outskirts of DC that the GPS wasn't working and it had my location on a straight line not following any roads. When I got to the Tunnel near Baltimore, it all of a sudden was on and had my location correct. On my way home a few days later, a little while after getting out of the Baltimore Tunnel, I noticed my GPS was again messed up like previous, this stayed until i was a bit west of DC in Northern Virginia and again, corrected itself and my location.

The 4 days in between, the gps/map worked flawless and I find it really odd that in both cases, I was driving in the same area.

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Maybe a satellite issue? Is that on map version 1.18 or the new updated 1.19?


Maybe a satellite issue? Is that on map version 1.18 or the new updated 1.19?

I need to check. I purchased the car in April with a Feb Build Date.

Have your dealer check the antenna module or receiver. There are generally 8+ satellites in view at any location, but if your system is having difficulty receiving or tracking it may not be able to track the minimum number of 3 required to generate a location solution. I had a similar problem with one of my cars and changing the antenna on the roof fixed it. If there was an issue with the satellites themselves you would have heard about it on the evening news. You can check GPS system status at this website U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center

Have your dealer check the antenna module or receiver. There are generally 8+ satellites in view at any location, but if your system is having difficulty receiving or tracking it may not be able to track the minimum number of 3 required to generate a location solution. I had a similar problem with one of my cars and changing the antenna on the roof fixed it. If there was an issue with the satellites themselves you would have heard about it on the evening news. You can check GPS system status at this website U.S. Coast Guard Navigation Center

I will keep an eye on it and see how it goes. So far it has worked fine except for roughly the same stretch of I-95 between DC and Baltimore which I find odd.

I have occasional problems with all my GPS equipment, especially near the Pentagon, which I live close to. There is a tremendous amount of RF around that area, and from time-to-time the "Air" will get saturated. Just happens.
