Anyone upgrade their brakes? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone upgrade their brakes?


Active Member
July 24, 2005
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00 XLT V8
My brakes work fine but they feel a little soft and I'd like some more stopping power. Has anyone done some aftermarket brake upgrades to their Explorers and if so what changes? Thanks for any info.

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Choose better quality pads, and bleed the brakes with new highest quality brake fluid. Good luck,

I've got some Powerslot rotors and Hawk pads on order. Supposed to be good stuff.

celly said:
I've got some Powerslot rotors and Hawk pads on order. Supposed to be good stuff.

I'm about to put PS rotors up front and Hawk pads too. I hope it helps out more.

Yep next time I need a brake job on the front, I will be putting powerslots and hawk pads on also. Then I am switching to disks in the back cause drums are a royal PITA.

Ya, my stock brakes weren't doing the job after I got 33's. I got drilled and slotted rotors and ceramic pads.

While everyone is (properly) addressing the issue by going with rotors that dissipate heat better and performance friction material, you could also swap in braded steel brake hoses (to replace those rubber ones). It's a known fact that when those rubber hoses expand, you lose some pressure that would have gone to the calipers/pads. Most speed shops should have the parts to fab up a set for the front but I noticed the rear hose on my Ex is kind of funky. I have a friend that makes DOT legal braided lines (Stop Flex). I will see if he's willing to whip up a set (group buy?).

SS brake lines can be had for just over $50 for a front pair. I had them custom made for my 93/99, with pics in my gallery. Regards,

Last weekend I flushed my old origonal brake fluid and steped up to Valvoline Synthetic. Believe it or not, noticable difference.

i was going to go baer decellarotors they have a 60,000 mile warranty on them but for the price of about 500 bucks for rotors alone led me to choose a top quality replacement pad and rotor instead which still cost me about 400 bones for all four corners i find that the stock setup works awesome for regular driving

Had persistent problem with stock rotors on my infrequently driven 2002 Explorer EB 4x4 - all 4 rotors and pads were replaced twice in warranty and the fluid bled out both times - damn mechanic goes crazy with air wrench and over torques causing warpage. I replaced all 3 rotors with Power Slots and flushed system with NAPA DOT4 fluid - AMAZING
Now, if I can only find plugs for the parking brake adjuster portals... OEM rubber plugs at Ford dealer are $37.50/pair !!!!!
