Anyone upgraded their stock speakers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone upgraded their stock speakers


March 28, 2014
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2017 Explorer Limited
The 2014 Limited I just traded in had a much more robust sound system than my new 2017. So much so that I'm thinking about upgrading all the stock speakers. Has anyone done this? Would changing out the speakers void my warranty?

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Expect for SiriusXM I think my Limited has gotten better since purchase as the speakers have been "broken in" (SiriusXM sounds awful vs our Subaru)

I did mine, all the doors and added a sub... here is a thread with lots of detail on how to do it, others that have done upgrades so lots of pics on this thread. Agree the original "premium" sound system in the Ford is pretty crappy, really needed a sub as well. Took me an afternoon to pull all the door speakers out, modify the adapters and put in the new speakers, well worth the time. I added a sub on another day. Here is my sub install, lots of pages on this thread to browse thru which will give you a good idea of what you are up against. To mount the door speakers you either need to remove the backs of the current ones are buy adapters. I used a Dremel and used the back of the current speakers to mount the new Pioneers I put in.

Thanks, great information.

Am I crazy or did my 2014 Explorer have a subwoofer but my 2017 does not?

Thanks, great information.

Am I crazy or did my 2014 Explorer have a subwoofer but my 2017 does not?
The 2017 Limited has the Premium Audio System from Sony® with 12 speakers which I am sure include a sub. Unless the location has changed it should be behind the rear right panel in the cargo area.


Only the Sony system has the subwoofer. Ford however calls the 9 speaker system (without sub) a Premium system which seems a little misleading to me. When I replaced the speakers in the doors they were about as cheap as they could be, paper, small magnets by no means Premium. If you really want good sound a sub needs to be added, adding one to mine made a very big difference. Now a days subs are almost standard fare in home theatres etc. so strange not to have some decent bass in car stereo. Worth the effort to install IMHO , my pics of that install are on that link I put up in my prior post here.

Yeah, I'm looking into some powered subs now. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought my 2014 had a separate section for "subwoofer" in the audio controls. In my 2017 however, there is only the usual treble, bass, etc. That's why I thought maybe they had removed it. Both vehicles had the Sony system.

The low end capabilities of my 2017 vs. 2014 are much different. My 2017 is severly lacking.

Yeah, I'm looking into some powered subs now. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought my 2014 had a separate section for "subwoofer" in the audio controls. In my 2017 however, there is only the usual treble, bass, etc. That's why I thought maybe they had removed it. Both vehicles had the Sony system.

The low end capabilities of my 2017 vs. 2014 are much different. My 2017 is severly lacking.
I don't recall there being any separate setting for the sub in my 2011 Limited nor in the 2014 MKT that I had previously.. My current Platinum doesn't either.


I don't recall there being any separate setting for the sub in my 2011 Limited nor in the 2014 MKT that I had previously.. My current Platinum doesn't either.


Hmm, maybe I'm just mistaken. The low end sound however is definitely drastically different between my 2014 and my new 2017. I'll be going the powered sub route.

Thanks for the info.

Let me know what you end up doing. I am looking to upgrade the speakers after I have a couple of the stock ones replaced due to some issues.

I have no idea about anything when it comes to car audio and am looking to possibly upgrade the speakers along with getting an upgraded amp...not sure if I need a new sub or not.

I'm just thinking of taking it into a bestbuy or frys elections and see what they recommend.

Let me know what you end up doing. I am looking to upgrade the speakers after I have a couple of the stock ones replaced due to some issues.

I have no idea about anything when it comes to car audio and am looking to possibly upgrade the speakers along with getting an upgraded amp...not sure if I need a new sub or not.

I'm just thinking of taking it into a bestbuy or frys elections and see what they recommend.
If you want some good advice I would suggest taking it to a automotive audio shop rather than the places you mentioned. Have you read the threads in the forum on upgrading audio? There are a few. Here are just 2 of them.
2016 Explorer Sport - Audio System Build
Explorer Audio upgrade(s)

