ARC rear shocks, help please! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ARC rear shocks, help please!


New Member
June 20, 2009
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City, State
Milwaukee, WI
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Limited
Ok, so after reading many posts on the ARC system and all of its faults :mad: I have narrowed down my options. First of all, I have a 2000 limited with just the rear shocks being air compressed and the rear is sagging about 2" lower than the front. I need your opinions on the best way to resolve the problem. I plan on replace all four shocks but really need some opinions on the best way to resolve the rears.

Option 1) go ahead and buy the Monroe ARC shocks and basically keep the rear shocks OEM. The only problem I have with doing this is what if the compressor or lines go out in the near future and then I have to get into replacing all of that as well. I also plan on replacing the front shocks... what is everyone's recommendations on front replacements?

Option 2) replace the rear shocks with OEM parts from ebay (same drawbacks as above with possibility of future problems)

Option 3) cut my losses with the ARC system, which seems to have its faults, and just go with 4 brand new gas shocks all around. I would take out the air compressor and lines and probably just toss them. The only problem I have with this is the system warning light that will then constantly be on.

thanks for all your help guys! just give me your opinions as to which is the best option and why

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You might want to ask the guys over at the suspension thread

Welcome, it's good to see that the seller is back with the shocks. I bought a spare pair from him long ago.

The rear air lines should still be available, I recommend that you buy them if you keep the ARC. They were about $20 when I bought them.

Have you hunted for an air leak, that's the usual problem? The compressor is the big item, if it's still working then you can usually fix the rest. Take good care of the height sensor, the bracket section. Take that all off and clean it up, add a little anti-seize to the ball parts. Those are high dollar to replace, about $200, for as long as Ford still has them available.

You can fix any air leaks by changing the shocks and air lines. If it all works then try to keep it going with the new lines and shocks. Regards,

so you dont reccomend going to all gas... you think i should stay with the arc system?

I'm saying that if the compressor works and you can fix leaking with new $25 ARC shocks or air lines, why not keep it? Most people who have the ARC like it a bunch, unless it leaks etc. I installed it in my mail truck to level my load for work, so I wanted it to begin with.

Rear sag is more your rear leaf springs I would have thought, because even if the ARC isn't working they'd stay at the "normal ride setting". I have ARC all round & hate it (it doesn't work) but over here parts are really really hard to get so I just made up some extended rear shackles (from on site here) which lifted rear 40/50mm. Tbt at the front to even ride & I just ignore warning light, you get used to it.
Or get a new leaf pac or get them reset.
My shocks still work "nomally", when I was changeing shackles I tried to compress them a few times whilst laying underneath with floor as a brace & was lucky to do it halfway.

If the ARC is working, it will raise the truck even with weak springs. Yes the springs do tend to sag, and they run about $250 new per side.

If anyone needs the rear ARC shocks, jump on that eBay link, I bought them from him about three years ago. He had hundreds of them then, which explains the $25 price for each shock. They are the OEM shocks, and I paid almost $100 from Ford before that.
