Are NON-Explorer People Welcome Here? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Are NON-Explorer People Welcome Here?


February 25, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Anaheim, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
Just wondering?

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Of coasre you are. We take it as an honor to have "outsiders" on the site. Just shows how great this site is. WELCOME. There are members that I'm sure can help you with anything you'll run into. :) If they can't....just email me, I'll give you a hand.

Well, since you have a Chevy and a GMC you really sohouldn't be here. But wait, a 99 Camaro? Ya you can be here, WELCOME! LOL :D

Gotta tell you, Camaros with an LS1 engine are awesome cars!

Somebody on LS1.Com posted about the:
How Do I Get Herculiner Off of My Hootus?!
topic and that got me over here. Pretty funny! :D

Glad i don't have that problem, LOL!

Welcome to the site buddy! We welcome anybody and everybody here.;) We do our best to help everyone out with their questions and love to have even the non-Explorers join us on the trails. Welcome again and happy posting! Feel free to stick around and see what we're about, we always enjoy the company!
