Arizona Run, Spring 2003 Photos! | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Arizona Run, Spring 2003 Photos!

You forgot about the very first carnage that started the entire weekend.
I ripped a hole in my jeans just getting my EX off the trailer. By the end of the day it was all the way to my knee. It did give me a nice cool breeze and made trail side pit stops simple and easy.
My carnage so far is:
Dented passenger Fender, Door, Rear door.
Busted Drivers Tail light, Scratched and cracked Headlight and signal.
Dented rear quarter, Dented Rear Door.
Passenger side quarter pannels are destroyed.
I have to recomend sliders, most of this would have never happened with sliders.

To finish the Suburban Saga:
Matt is a great guy, I heard you live right by me. Kevin works at Chapman we should all go get a beer some time.
Matt towed the big heavy pig back to the rally point. He then took his rig to Black Canyon city about 10 miles away then came back and help get Kevins Monster on the trailer. Unfortunatly for us we only had a hand operated come along to winch it up. Four of us rotated shifts and it took about 30 minutes of constant ratcheting to get the 9,000# piece of poo up the ramps and on the trailer. We then followed them on the Freeway into town and we continued on our way to Scottsdale. What a night, I got into bed around 2:00AM

Thanks again Matt.
Thanks to Rick and Char for the hospitallity and everything you do for this site and this hobby.
Thanks to Tom for all the wrenching.
Thanks to winter for the spoting and engineering 101 class.
And thanks to everyone else for stacking rocks, moving trees, running straps, keeping an eye on the body pannels, being my counter weight and for all the great conversation.

What a great time!

I hope that everyone makes it home safely and that all the dings are not to big and that all the bobos heal.
Lets do it again soon.

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Holy crap Rubicon and Moab have nothing on 'Judgement Day'!!!! Thanks for the outstanding pictures....
I HAD to work as usual, but I'm glad it sounds like everyone ended up alright. I'd love to make some more AZ trails before I am out of here.
Was anyone on the stock/modified riding on less than 33's? I don't know why (weather maybe?) but Crown King looked more imposing than last year.

I made it home, after a 14hr drive in the F150 towing the zuk.. (65 sucks, but I get between 9-11mpg, and at $1.85 a gallon...)

The zuk spanked the trails, just like it was supposed to do. :D BUT, it did suffer one scratch on the back passenger side.. Not sure where THAT came from. Did you guys key it? :D

As for carrying all the right tools to tear down, and replace that knuckle in BFE.. Hey, it was pure utter luck, no planning on my part. I normally don't carry that many tools! I got to the point of just crawling the zuk to the next major obstacle, and walk back to spot/help where needed.

It was great to see old friends, and make new ones! Loved Judgement Day, I'm ready for another run!

I've got video of Terminator and Judgement Day, so I'll capture it all in the next few days and post it.

Originally posted by Hammer
To finish the Suburban Saga:
Matt is a great guy, I heard you live right by me. Kevin works at Chapman we should all go get a beer some time.

I've been in the same position, & wish I could have had someone capable of doing for me what I did for him. My truck sat on the trail overnight, & I assure you that I don't plan on letting anyone go through what I went through knowing my rig is out in the middle of nowhere with god knows who doing what to it.
I also felt slightly responsible by telling him that the trail wasn't that bad that morning. It's hard once you get your rig to the point mine's at to accurately judge a trail for someone else... I'm sure Rick can attest to this. Challenging trails can start seeming really easy after a while. I ran 1/2 the trail with a mostly dead, extremly heavy tank attached to the back of my truck & never had a problem.
I do give Kevin lots of credit there too though. With as bad of visibility as I know he had to have being so close to the back of my truck, he never got himself on a line I couldn't pull him over. I still can't belive I pulled him up that last hill on the "road" out with him being completly dead though. Don't think I've ever seen my front axle hop that bad before, but she just kept pulling.
I kinda feel bad I can't remember the name of the guy that was riding with him, nor the name of his gf/wife.

On a side note, which Chapman does he work for & what does he do? My unemployed a** could really use a dealership connection or 2... :D ;)

wholly about a lot of carnage. so wish I could have been on this trip, but no money to get out there and get it done.

question for all those that went...WHERE'S THE VIDEO? would really like to see the one of the roll, and any others you guys have. glad to see that no one was seriously hurt or anything and that everyone made it home all right.

oh yeah...and whose the one with that bad a$$ yellow explorer. was that thing built by mcneil racing, cause that front suspension looks nice?

Kevin works for Chapman Scottsdale Autoplex, on McDowell. He has been there for over 10 years and is the window tint installer. Did you guys exchange numbers? If so call him and I am sure he could try and find something at the dealership for you. He knows everyone. If you did not exchange send me an e-mail with your info and I will get it to him.

Originally posted by prerun4fun
oh yeah...and whose the one with that bad a$$ yellow explorer. was that thing built by mcneil racing, cause that front suspension looks nice?

That was Justin McNeil's Explorer. Justin is Perry's son.

Whoa! What great photos! Sometimes I hate living so far east now :(

Looks like you put on another great event Rick. I need to plan for next year's.

My carnage so far is:
Dented passenger Fender, Door, Rear door.
Busted Drivers Tail light, Scratched and cracked Headlight and signal.
Dented rear quarter, Dented Rear Door.
Passenger side quarter pannels are destroyed.
I have to recomend sliders, most of this would have never happened with sliders

Holy cow.... I didn't realize how much damage you recieved:eek:

Originally posted by AZFord4x4
My unemployed a** could really use a dealership connection or 2... :D ;)

what kinda job you looking for? in the shop?

hey Rick,

Did you happen to get any pics of my blue TJ at the water fall or any of the kids in the golf cart? Just wondering. I guess my little jeep did okay. Carnage total: 0 strap time: 0 winch time: 0
thanks again for a good time.

Your TJ did great. That was a real nice rig with some killer mods. Unfortunatley while I was shooting, my camera wasn't recording. It acted like it was working ok, but when I went to look for the photos they were gone. The batteries died just after you went through I guess when they are marginal the camera can't record images. Sorry about that...

I didn't shoot the golf cart, my sinuses had been bugging me all day and his 2 strokers smoke was driving me nuts so I just got out of the way.

I just realized that I forgot to pass out Dash Plaques at our Saturday night get together.

If you email me or PM me with your addresses I'll get one to you in the maill. Sorry of the inconvienance.

just to let you all know my jeep stock blue booked at about 5600.00 and we had an estamate do on all the mods that are in it and it comes out to about 4500.00 so if i can get most of that out of the insurance then ill come out of this ok and have a new toy to play with i just wanted to thank every one that stayed and helped us

ok well I made it home pretty uneventful trip back, but I guess the weekend had enough excitement! I have to go back to work now, but I will post more later!

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I see how it works, Jeep gets nothing, Explorer gets thumbs up!!

Rick were you a human tripod here??

Klownz just called and said his truck has been at the trail head since Saturday. What happened with that?

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Is that the Turbo or the guy from texas?
I can go get him with my trailer.
