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Arizona Run, Spring 2003 Photos!

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Big ones are mpeg, the little ones are divx.

Nice video Tom :D The big link didn't work for me either though.

Ok, last one.

In playing with the DiVX encoder, I found I can get the same size file for 480x320 as 320x240, so only one this time..

Dead Link Removed note - this is 29mb in size.

If anyone got any shots of me on Saturday would you mind e-mailing the full picture to me at ? I've got a few that I sent to Rick.


did that jeep ahead make it up that hill?

Originally posted by Digger196
did that jeep ahead make it up that hill?

Are you talking about the TJ in the video when I took my F250 up? If so, yes he did.... being drug by a winch :D

Matt, myself and a Toy PU were the only ones in site to make it up without the assistance of a winch. And those who needed the winch REALLY needed it. I was sitting in my truck with the brakes jammed to the floor and I was still being dragged forward by a couple trucks and that was with them trying to climb up at the same time:eek: Of course I didn't even feel the zuk coming up :D

Huh? The zuk didn't need a winch, and if they was pulling on the strap, that was not what it was there for; I didn't want to be pulled over, I just wanted to keep it from endo'ing. Now, because of that, next time, there will be no strap, and I'll just take my chances.

Last video, showing why the burb shouldn't been on that trail..

Dead Link Removed

yea, there was no cable on the Zuk... just 2 guys on a strap to keep her from going over backwards.

& if the 'burb had a better shaft, & not that thinwall stuff, I think he would have done fine... although the 10bolt might have still let loose at some point.

That explains why I didn't feel it:confused: :D I just forgot who I pulled. I guess it was 2 Explorers, a Suburban and a Toyota 4Runner.

I pulled the Zuk up and yeah I did not really feel it.
We just kept the strap tight in case he went backwards.

The burb would do fine with a stronger shaft and a stronger front end. Dont worry next time he is on the trail with me he will be in his Heep.

i'll have to see if the video shows the pumpking getting pulled while pulling..

Originally posted by tdavis
i'll have to see if the video shows the pumpking getting pulled while pulling..

I beleive the best example of that was with the Toyota 4 Runner.

The 4runner actually pulled the pumpkin over the boulders that were chucked under all 4 tires. Ricks legs were shakeing from all the strain.
Pretty good testimonial for your winch.

pumpkin winching video Dead Link Removed, 3.1MB in size.

and yes, you can see it being pulled.

sorry for the quality, but the light changed and I didn't catch it (I don't stand near the camera, I just let it run).

Originally posted by Hammer
The 4runner actually pulled the pumpkin over the boulders that were chucked under all 4 tires. Ricks legs were shakeing from all the strain.
Pretty good testimonial for your winch.

And for the winch mount :D

I cant view any of the movies:mad:
What would you charge come over and get my computer set up to view all the ****, I meen movies.


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Originally posted by Hammer
I cant view any of the movies:mad:
What would you charge come over and get my computer set up to view all the ****, I meen movies.


Well, if ya live right around the corner from me....

a good start would be to goto & download their codec's & instal them, that'll get ya the ability to view the movies posted here.
But if ya ever need any help, I'm not exactly a super geek, but I can hold my own as far as general use goes.
