Army Bauer Paint Mess | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Army Bauer Paint Mess

Got a bit of disaster on the Army Bauer.. If you have not caught the thread it is a Mil. Spec flat olive drab repaint.

Not thinking I washed her this weekend using car wash soap (Armour All Brand) which must contain some sort of wax or polimer in it.

When rinsed and dried there remained a faint white haze on the flat paint. :eek: Not very noticble from a distance but I can tell.

Spoke to my grandfather about this, (Old car guy, 96 yrs old) and he advised he used to put (not kidding here....) pure carnuba oil on his Model T Ford. (Remember they used to come in a flatish black color only. He said the pure carnuba oil (no wax or clay can be in it due to the rough flat finish) would take off the residue and give the paint a little "sheen".

Not that I'm looking for shiny olive drab but I need to get the white crud off the truck.

Anyone know where to get pure carnuba oil?? I've been checking some of the detail board and on-line wax/detail stores with no luck.


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Why not go down to your local paint store (Sherwin Williams will do) and get some wax stripper?? That'll take it right off.

I have some already but am afraid of putting any solvents on such a new paint job.. Only about a week old...

The carnuba oil is supposed to soak in and dislodge the stuff. At least that is what gramp says....

The stuff comes off with a little rubbing (and probably time) but am just looking for faster way.

What is that old car restoration supply house. Edmunds? Eastxxxxxx??

I believe it is Easton' a search on Yahoo and you'll probably find it.

If I were you I'd wet the car down with water...wash it if it's dirty...then squirt the whole vehicle with mineral spirits. Get a soft rag and soak it with spirits and go over the truck like you are washing it. Wash with a regular soap...could be dish washing liquid..and that should strip off that residue without harming the paint.

You could also call the paint shop and ask if that would be ok to do or see if they have any suggestions.

When I was in the Army we just used Dawn dishwashing soap and a brush... it would take the road salt and other stuff off and leave the vehicles dull camo...

Thanks guys, will give the DW soap and a brush a shot. Heck, it is flat paint. Can't screw it up...

Besides DW soap will leave it smelling lemon fresh.

Yup, use Dawn. It will remove all that wax (assuming that's what it is).

Gimp, what happened to your post count?


Hank, the dishsoap sounds like a good idea, but if you end up trying anything else, I would sit tight for a couple weeks and let that paint cure first.

My buddy had a Ranger that he would ALWAYS wash with Palmolive (dish soap). He would wax it once a month, I tried telling him that he was stripping the wax off. He finally realized this as rain wasn't beading up as obvious as it should have been.

I would use Dish Soap and a brush. Then, like RangerX stated let it sit for a bit. Rinse it periodically.


Thanks guys,

The frequent FL rains seem to be helping a bit. I'm going to sit tight for a few more weeks as I can still "smell" the paint. Figure it needs some more curing time.

All the best.
