asull85’s 2010 Explorer XLT | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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asull85’s 2010 Explorer XLT

It has been a while so I decided to give this a quick update. I removed the LED backup and license plate lights. The backup lights were bright but didn't project the light very well. The Ex also blew a catalytic converter so I replaced them with Magnaflow direct fit converters.

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Revived because I'm going to make mine look similar to yours and had a couple questions. :)

Have you done anything to the suspension in this pic? Or is it from being in the driveway? It looks level and I know they aren't like that from the factory.

I haven't been around much lately so I figured I'd give an update. Truck mods have been put on hold (or so I thought) as my wife is 9 months pregnant with our second daughter. Looks like I'm getting new tires today :fire:



Ouch. Slashed? You should be able to get 4 treadwrights shipped to your door for ~$500 or less

Ouch. Slashed? You should be able to get 4 treadwrights shipped to your door for ~$500 or less

Yeah, someone slashed my two front tires and one of my neighbors. We have an idea of who might have done it. I thought about ordering online but I needed the tires today.

I ended up getting a pair of Toyo Open Country AT2's. Now I get to fight with my insurance company to get them to pay for all 4 tires as they are a different tread pattern....

This afternoon, I changed the light bulbs in the instrument cluster over to LED's. Two of the seven lights were out so I changed them all at once. Two are for the the speedometer, two for the tachometer, two for the turn signals and one for the cruise control. Changing them was surprisingly easy.

Happen to take pictures of the process? Can you take pics of it lit up tonight?

I didn't take any pictures as it was about 20 degrees out but I'm planning on taking everything apart again tomorrow and writing a how-to post.

Ask and you shall receive...

LED instrument cluster

For reference, the climate controls. Which are also partially burnt out.

This weekend I removed the MW800 computer. It has slowly been dying. This morning I replaced it with a Panasonic Toughbook CF-19. So far so good! I also added a pair of switches to the center console.

Here is the CF-19

The two switches. Left for the grille guard, right for the power supply to the CF-19 dock.

Added a roof basket this morning. It came with a pair of Hella 500's.



Rancho Quicklift struts installed. I got about a 2-2.25" lift.



I mounted the GoPro to the roof basket yesterday. This was one of my favorites of the day.


I added an ARB Awning to my Ex this afternoon.


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Some new photos of the Explorer




