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Attica Attacked: The Aftermath


I'll start the write-up tonight while the weekend is still fresh in my memory. I will not send it in for posting until all that attended have approved it to make sure I don't leave anything out. I am also waiting on my pictures...they won't be ready until Thursday I found out. That will give me plenty of time to make a good write-up though. Cameron...That is a great pic of me chasing one of the pieces of "equipment" that I have added to my truck...I'm glad that you got that one.


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Sorry it took so long to post, I'm still having fun memories of the weekend. WOOHOO!!!!!!!!

Rick, thanks for the site, without it this would have never been possible. The Sport Trac Prototype is mine, it's a good little truck and I've really got a bad itch to get out west and flog it with you BIGDOGS. We did have a great time, but it seems we didn't bring enough film.

Riff, No problem on the coaching, everyone needs a little guidance every now and again. It just seems you need alot - in more ways than one. And to answer the question you asked Saturday in the quarry, yes, maybe it was satan driving that ranger. Love ya man.

Dave, Thanks so much for getting this started and seeing it through. I hope you didn't tear anything up too bad underneath your ride. I won't be able to go for a while but I do plan on going back again this year. My film will be turned in tomorrow to be put on a CD, I don't know when it will be done, I'll get back with you. I hope it doesn't hold up the writeup too long.

Andre, will your wife come out with the crazies next time? After seeing the pics and video does she seem interested?

Cameron, what can I say? I too wish someone had gotten a pic of your launch routine, but you gotta admit, you didn't give us much warning. I was behind you and all of a sudden you were gone. Anne said something to the effect of "UH OH" and we decided it would be safest to walk to find out where you ended up. Real glad to hear nothing got torn up. Man O Man, they could have put that in a ford commercial.

A little story about my sweet Anne. Been married almost nineteen years, she always knew I was a little rambunctious(sp). Anyway, back in 92 I first got her in a 4x4 with me and shortly after we started this trail we went in the ditch pretty hard and there was a 150+ foot dropoff on her side that she got a real good first hand look at. After she climbed out through the drivers door she walked down the trail muttering under her breath something to the effect of stupid f&**%$g lunatic. Well that was the last 4x4 trip she would go on with me till this past weekend.

This weekend she said she had fun. I wasn't sure if I should believe it or not, although she didn't even flinch when the tree branch made my mirror explode, until we were halfway home. She looked over at me and said "We gotta go back and do that orange trail." I asked if she was serious, and she said she was. She was even talking about it today. I told her it would cost her a thousand dollars for a winch and all she said was "We have to go do it". Cool. I figured it out, she really didn't like that dropoff, it wasn't me after all.

Anyway, I/we had a fabulous time and look forward to doing it again, hopefully this fall. But, I've got to get some rocker protection first, those jeep trap hills are hell on a 125" wheelbase undercarriage. Was thinking of a buggy spring setup for the back for a little more travel and just maybe a WINCH.

To all who want to join in, stock vehicles can play but be warned, expect slight rocker panel damage. Dave, Riff, and Andre all experienced some. The reason Cameron didn't is, sport = shorter WB and he skyed it where everybody else drug it. I got scratches on mine but no dents. But, mine is lifted 5 inches and has 33's although it has a long wheel base. Everyone has to decide for themselves. Anyone can play in the old quarry without damage.

Tom, I don't know where this puts you, I would really like to see you there so I could meet you.


Don't worry about delaying the write-up at all...we can let them drool with anticipation. Your wife is cool if after her first time wheelin' in 8 years she says she has to go back and tackle the orange trail....When you go to tackle that trail, let me know... I would like to ride along in the bed of your truck if possible. I really want to see where that trail ends up.

I llok forward to another run to Attica..

For those of you with the fiberglass molding pieces under the rocker panels...keep them on.. they were the only things that kept me from ending up with dents and scrapes in the rockers (sorry Andre)...though I also have extras that can be changed in to keep the truck looking nice.

Its a tough call because those fiberglass pieces are very expensive (at least to a college student).

The write-up will pe posted as soon as everyone has pictures done..

Dave :D

hey running that orange trail too!!! can't wait!!! set the date!!

here it comes!

and the pix are up. It took me good five hours to scan them, "swatch" 'em and download. Two pages are up. Go here:
and then to the second page. If those pages load too slow let me know. I tried my best. And guys, if you want any of the pix in hardcopy, let me know as well. Dave, the V shot came pretty good, thanks to Anne of course. Hope to see more pictures from this run.



Great pics Andre! I could see going back there near the end of summer. Maybe late August early September? Anyway, seeing as how us Midwesterners have very few off-road options, we should make the Badlands a yearly event.

Anyway, it was a pleasure to finally get to put faces to the names. Hopefully if we go out again we can get a bigger turn out.

Dave, I couldn't resist taking that picture of you chasing down your co-pilot. :D


Those pictures are great, especially the "v" shot. Cam, I wish you could have been there for that one. Andre, I would like a hard copy of the "V" shot, and the shots of my truck. If it would be easier for you to just have the roll redeveloped, let me know...I'll send you a check to cover development and shipping fees.

Seein' these pictures makes me want to go again, real soon.

Riff...I would really like to go to Pekin with you this weekend, but I really need to repack my bearings. If you want to do that in the morning and then go wheelin' then I'm all for it, but I don't think you really want to do that.

Write-up is going good...I'll email you all a copy when I am finished.

Dave :)

If (when) we go back...sombody remind me to watch out for poison ivy. Im misserable right now!!! probably 2/3 of my body is covered in calomine lotion right now...and boy do i itch!!! anybody else get any?


and I thought this itch was to go back off-roading again! Man!
Kampy, my wife is still a bit sceptic but I think she'll give in once we are on the trail. I mean in the old querry. I don't think she would like to go on the Orange trail with me. As far as the Green one goes, after I put a 4" susp. lift, 3" body lift and some 33's then we can think about it. I can't believe me and Riff got through two of the devil hills and some damage before backing down. Well, it's part of the fun I guess. I'll be doing some more research on the trail's subject. Perhaps we can find trails that are closer so we can go and enjoy wheeling more often. Attica definately a once a year event. I'd prefer if it would be earlier in the year so it's not that hot. I still have to go out and scrape all the mud off my interior and man I'm glad it rained like hell afterwards,,,, at least my truck got a good mighty wash.

Cam, riff, Dave, Kampy......... it was a pleasure.

Dave, e-mail me your address- pix will be on the way.


Poison Ivy?

Sorry to hear about that Riff...

Funny, I asked you guys about that...that was the main reason that I didn't venture far into the woods off the trail. I knew that that place would be crawling with the Ivy.

Brings new meaning to the phrase "having the itch"...

Kampy, what ever will we do with the lad?


Hope you get better soon riff. I wouldn't want you to crash your truck because you had an itch in a difficult spot.


[Edited by BigDave on 06-27-2000 at 03:34 PM]

I'm Jealous!

Once again guys.....Sorry for not makin it out there...I feel as though I backed down....My Lil' Explorer.....The clearance wasn't cooperating with the boggers....Well lemme tell ya that I need some more in come some new springs and I should be good....Not to mention that half the fenders gonna be trimmed off.....okay so maybe not half....Those pictures look bad ass! I must say, it looks like a hell of a trip and by god, I'm going next time, unless I some how nuke the motor or trans by then(knock on wood). So if any dates are set, as long as I'm free, I'm there and that's the bottom line...Once again, great pics!


poison ivy

Is that what caused these blisters on my legs? Geeeez!
I'll wear my jeans next time. Oh, Dave that body lift on eBay that Riff was talking about,,,,,,it sold, had like 12 bids on it. (that's just in case you haven't checked).

Besides, I'm still looking for a place closer to home to practice.

Talk to you all later.

I'm sorry, but I have to chuckle at the outbreak of Poison Ivy. I guess I am lucky that I didn't get it, but then I made sure to step on top of the plants so they didn't rub against my legs.

Anyway...if everyone could email me something to my email address I would appreciate it. I want to have you all look at the write up befor I put the pictures in and send it off to Rick..



P.S. Riff, get your pictures back yet? I am gonna check mine today, otherwise I'll post them tomorrow evening when I pick them up after work.

First Batch of Images Up!!

My pictures are back and the first set of images are up.

The web site is Dead Link Removed

Just click on the Images line to get to the picture.


P.S. Kampy, thanks to you and Anne I have some great pictures of my truck, thanks.

WOW!!! Great pics man!!!

any more?

any more pix guys?? anybody got more picures of my truck? Hey riff, when do you want to go to Peking? I might want to go with you.


Dave, when are you going to get the rest of the pics up? Soon I hope.


hey andre, just so you know....Peking is in China.... ;)

Riff I'm suprised you knew that!

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Well, Its actually a little known fact that Pekin High School's mascot used to be the "Chink". then after they realized that it was too politically incorrect they changed it. Just a little central illinois history for you all.

And believe it or not, even though i can't spell (or follow directions very well) i'm not super dumb ;)

I's smart enough as is....i don't need no book learnin!!!
