Aux-in complete! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Aux-in complete!


August 1, 2008
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Cincinnati, OH
So I had ordered the PIE adapter for my 2002 Limited. I didn't want any cables coming out of the dash or anything and wanted it to look stock, or just a clean install.

I bought a stereo 1/8" jack and an RCA cable that I had cut and attached to the PIE adapter and the pins on the 1/8" jack. That was the easy part. The hard part was finding the 12v power without tapping into the stock wire harness to the stereo or the fuse box. What I was planning on doing, was just running it to the 12v cigarette lighter and tap in to there. but as I had the center console out, I found another connector just like the one for the 12v lighter but was unattached to anything, and it was rather close to the stereo. It was 12v, so I tapped into it and it works great!

Here's the end result:



And my maglite... It looks almost stock where the panel indents.



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Great job Eptesicus, That's very clean looking; I'd like to know how you secured the clips holding the Mag-lite though. That's an idea I'd love to steal.:thumbsup:

i did something like that with my mag looks less stock though it's just got the clips screwed in right underneath the seat-belt behind the drivers seat

i did something like that with my mag looks less stock though it's just got the clips screwed in right underneath the seat-belt behind the drivers seat

That's how I had it installed in my bronco, I liked the ease of access on the B-pillar. But this works just as good.

Fixxxer - actually, i just used 2 screws to secure each clip into the panel, it holds great and have yet to have any problems!

Thanks all!

Always makes me happy to see extremely clean installs like yours. Good job.

Also, where did you get that trim/dash kit??

OMGLOLetcetc, actually I bought my '02 Limited about 2 months ago and it came with that ebony trim. I think it looks slick. I'm not sure if it was an option or if it was aftermarket, but the previous owner (original owner) was a retired doctor and I'm not sure if he did it.


whats the PIE model

whats the part number that you used?
do you have the factory sub?
i want the same for my X but was told that unless the head unit had AUX/SAT
or could control a cd changer it would not work.

i sure don't want to use a RF mondulator.

i was giving into the fact that i would have to get a new head unit....

2003 EB
Maynard MA

Roe, The adapter model is FRDN-AUX. I do have the factory sub with in-dash 6-CD changer. I do know that if you have the options that I have, that adapter will work.


Soo, what button on the radio do you push to select the audio in line? You don't have an "Aux" button do you?

Hitchhikingmike, I do not have an AUX button on my head unit. When the Pie adapter is installed, you will press CD, and the display will say CD, then you will press is again, and it will say DJ. If you don't have it installed, it will only say CD.

hope this helps.

Nice install on both. They look factory. Thats the way it should be done.

Will this line in doohicky work on a ford radio that has a tape player/cd player combo(not the 6 disk changer)?

Do other ford non-6 disk changers have this line in option in the back of them too you think?


Will this line in doohicky work on a ford radio that has a tape player/cd player combo(not the 6 disk changer)?

Do other ford non-6 disk changers have this line in option in the back of them too you think?


The proper PIE will if your radio has a CD changer plug on the back. And I believe all of the CD/Tape combos have them. Mine does anyway. Does your 5 and 6 buttons have arrows on them? If so those are the buttons you use to change discs if you have a CD changer hooked up which of course means yours has the plug.

Hitchhikingmike, I'd e-mail the people at and ask them if it will work with your unit. It should I believe.

No, my 5 & 6 buttons do not have arrows on them. However in my ford manual where my radio, the "Premium AM/FM Stereo/Cassette/Single CD" is listed, it says "Press the CD control to toggle between single CD and CD changer play (if equipped)"


I will now look into getting one of these adapters from PIE.

I've always wanted to install a line in but gave up on it a while back because I did not think it was easily possible without taking the radio apart.

Thanks for the info!
