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Backup Lights


Active Member
February 2, 2016
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1992 Ford Explorer Eddie
I have a 1991 Explorer with 152,x.. miles with the transmission rebuilt less than 2,000 miles ago. My backup lights worked and I already tried replacing one of the bulbs and they still don't work. I've been told there might be a switch connected to the transmission. Is that correct and if so what do I do to fix it if that's the problem? If it isn't what else could be causing the backup lights not to work? I'm asking this question because my flatbed trailer has a backup light function on the lenses and I can't make it work if the backup lights on the Explorer don't work. If anybody could help me out with any information on this that would be greatly appreciated and thanks for viewing this post.

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I just use a toggle switch for the backups. kinda old school but hey, it works.

There are no pictures. And their talking about the A4LD.

Okay thanks for clearing that up then.

Not sure where you're located. If you're in an area that's prone to rust/corrosion, it could be something as simple as your contacts where the bulb seats are corroded.

Try and clean up the bulb sockets with some electrical contact cleaner or even WD-40.

Not sure where you're located. If you're in an area that's prone to rust/corrosion, it could be something as simple as your contacts where the bulb seats are corroded.

Try and clean up the bulb sockets with some electrical contact cleaner or even WD-40.
It's in Nebraska so yeah I'm stuck in the Rust Belt. Thanks I'll try that it might be easier than trying to mess with the neutral safety switch.

It's in Nebraska so yeah I'm stuck in the Rust Belt. Thanks I'll try that it might be easier than trying to mess with the neutral safety switch.

I had the same issue with mine (I'm in Canada). Sometimes it help to get a very thin flat file to get in there and clean up the corrosion

I have a update to this situation and it's the fact that my mechanic got them working by replacing the neutral safety switch from our 94 temporary parts explorer (a4ld transmission gave out at 149,x.. miles) The plug on the bad switch was jammed in place. I wanted to say thanks to everyone who helped give me info on this.
