Bad u joint? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bad u joint?

July 28, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Denver Colorado
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 explorer xlt v8
My 98 exploder is having a hard shift from park to reverse.. it it sounds like a clunk.. I can shift from drive to reverse fine and to drive. Also shifting to 1-2 are fine. It only make this noise from park to reverse and it sometimes doesn’t do it at all. Bad u joint maybe? Any help is appreciated!

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My 98 exploder is having a hard shift from park to reverse.. it it sounds like a clunk.. I can shift from drive to reverse fine and to drive. Also shifting to 1-2 are fine. It only make this noise from park to reverse and it sometimes doesn’t do it at all. Bad u joint maybe? Any help is appreciated!
I replaced both my u joints in the rear and I still have the clunk

I replaced both my u joints in the rear and I still have the clunk
Damn! I wonder what this can be maybe the motor mounts? I’m wondering if my transmission is dying.. she’s got 240k on her..
I replaced both my u joints in the rear and I still have the clunk
damn! I’m wondering if my transmission is dying she’s got about 240k on her.. but as far as I know she hasn’t had a transmission filter or flush so im gonna try that.. fluid is still pretty pink

My 4R70W does this. I think it’s either a u-joint or slip joint, as mentioned

I don’t think it’s your trans giving it up

Check for play in the rear pinion

Grease rear drive shaft slip joint
Raise rear and check pinion shaft slop
Replace trans mount.
Where do I grease the slip yoke don't the transmission fluid lube it
It slips into the trans tail housing
I'm confused you have a picture?

Where do I grease the slip yoke don't the transmission fluid lube it
It slips into the trans tail housing
I'm confused you have a picture?
Trans fluid might not be enough , apply grease to splines. Some have bolt flang s on both ends, slide in center

98 4door 4wd looks like that
Mine looks like this

Op has a 98

Are you clunking also? 😆
No just Curious if the single pc drive shaft spines will need to be lubricated
I never read it anywhere on this forum That the output shaft spines need to be lubricated I thought that the transmission fluid Did the job

Are you sure there isn't an issue with the parking pawl?

Crawl under the vehicle and try to twist the drive shaft. You should be able to see if there is play in the driveshaft. Being directional it sounds like a motor mount. Driver side to be more specific. Have someone stick it in reverse while you watch the engine. You'll see the engine move noticeably more in reverse than drive. Foot on the brake have them give it a little gas to torque the motor.

You do NOT lube the splines on the slip yoke style ONE PIECE driveshaft

You DO lube the splines IN THE SLIP YOKE of a TWO PIECE driveshaft

Now with that said I never install a driveshaft into a transmission tailhousing dry, you can rip the seal. So some atf or a light coat of vaseline is the way to go. You do not want to put anything else inside your transmission

You do NOT lube the splines on the slip yoke style ONE PIECE driveshaft

You DO lube the splines IN THE SLIP YOKE of a TWO PIECE driveshaft

Now with that said I never install a driveshaft into a transmission tailhousing dry, you can rip the seal. So some atf or a light coat of vaseline is the way to go. You do not want to put anything else inside your transmission
The tail housing on the 5r55 transmissions inside is dead space. The only thing in there is the park actuator, but yes lube the seal.
