Bad Vibrations when accelerating ....Help! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bad Vibrations when accelerating ....Help!


Explorer Addict
December 13, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
middle of nowhere, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT 4X4 4.0 OHV Auto
hey guys, i need some help identifying a new problem. a few days ago it started vibrating pretty bad. basically it feels like and sounds like im driving on rumble strips. started a few days ago. does it most of the time, more so in 3rd ,4th, and OD. it only does it under accelleration. when u let off the gas it goes away. what would this be? thanks for the help!!!

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I'd put my money on a worn out driveshaft u-joint.

that was going to be my first guess, but since the larger tires, other stuff seems to break because of them lol. does the front driveshaft turn even when not in 4x4? dont remember if it does or not should i replace all of them while im at it? thanks alot!

I don't remember about the front shaft either. I swapped in a manual t-case a while back.
I assume the bad u-joint would be in the rear shaft... So while it's out you might as well replace all 3.

would anyone by chance have part numbers? i see there are a few different ones.... thanks again

What about a slipping clutch. my friends jeep did the same thing and sometimes it would pop out of fourth.

What about a slipping clutch. my friends jeep did the same thing and sometimes it would pop out of fourth.

possible, it does not pop out of gear tho. doesnt feel like its slipping. wouldnt this be more of a progessive problem, instead of an all at once thing? this got real bad, real quick. i would think if it was the clutch it would get slightly worse over time. anything is possible tho, especcially with my luck haha

Good point. It could be the u joint, but i dont think one would actually studder like that.

Sounds like a u-joint. Just go to autozone and ask for a u-joint for the rear. All the joints on the rear shaft are the same, but the front is probably different. I dealt with a bad vibration for quite sometime and I finally gave in and did the u-joint, the needle bearings in one of the caps had turned to dust, thus the reason for the vibration when accelerating. If the joint is bad enough, it will vibrate when slowing down as well.

ok ill get this done as soon as i can. thanks guys for the help!
