Wanted - Bed Extender Question | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Wanted Bed Extender Question

Parts or services wanted


April 16, 2012
Reaction score
City, State
Frisco, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
2005 Sport Trac
I bought an 05 Sport the first of July. Has both the factory tonneau and what was left of the bed extender. The pivot post and the end caps were missing, no locking pins either. Found one on Craigslist for 50 bucks, in good shape but it is missing one of the clips that attach it to the posts. Does anyone have an extra clip? I haven't found a part number for the clips on any of the Ford parts sites. Don't really want to purchase another end cap if I don't have to.

Thanks in advance,

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You might not need parts from a "sport trac-specific" bed extender - mine came from a Chevy stepside. They might all be pretty much the same, especially the small parts. I don't know what the pivots are supposed to be, but I ordered 2 of the torx mushroom-headed bolts that the tailgate support cables hook onto and they worked perfectly.

word has it that the "flare side" F150 extender is a direct bolt on to ours

Bed Extender TSB with part numbers

1L5Z-99286B24-AA is the support with the spring clip.

W707381-S900 is the pivot pin that screws into the bed.

Thanks for the photos, the part that Tommy is holding in his hand is what I need. Looking through the TSB, it says nothing of just replacing the clip. If no body has one I may have to buy a new support. I will check out other possibilities also. 05dakotatrac THANK YOU for serving this country.

Well the whole support is priced online @ around $25 so that's not too bad.

anytime nascar i love my job and would gladly give my life for our freedoms.

on a side note today i got a bed extender for free off craigslist only issue i dont have the strickers that screw into the bed any idea where to get those cause i got no tracs in the local yards

nevermind i noticed the link to the strickers. hopefully the stealer ship dont bend me over

dakota, get the part number from ford for the striker bolts and whatever hardware you need. then go to the website i referenced above. i got a pair of striker bolts from the site for under 20 bucks. the dealership wanted to charge me 60, yes, 60 bucks PER BOLT!

Wow, list price on the strikers is like $12 . They must have been including a case of K-Y Jelly to better ......... never mind.

no worries guys i found a set in the yard on the 87-96? F150 body. the striker needs to be approxamately 3/4" long from bed side to tip. i found a early 90's f150 that had the dual post tailgate they had the super shorties similar to the ones the tailgate cable attach to then higher up was another set that fit the bill. next time i am there i will confirm where to find these strickers on the cheap. cause honestly i wouldnt even want to spend more than 10 for both them.

pics soon on my install and i will remove one stricker to attempt to find the part #

EDIT: sorry no part number on my pivot studs, but the dimensions are 3/4" from bed side to outer edge of stud the head of the stud is 1/8" deep and 1/2" diameter of the stud diameter is 1/4". sorry for the crude measurements as this was done on lunch in a parking lot at 0230. if you need clarity on this please PM me

Hey guys, I'm new to the forum and was looking for some input on the striker bolts for the bed extender. I've searched the sites listed in the thread with no luck. Could someone post up a pic and some dimensions, I believe I can knock a couple of these out on the lathe pretty quick.
