Bench seat - adding head rests? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bench seat - adding head rests?


March 26, 2008
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92 Explorer EB
Hi, I have a 92 Ford Explorer with rear bench seats without headrests. As my daughter is now out of child seats it is becoming apparent that on long trips it would be good if she had a head rest to rest her head on when she falls asleep! Short of replacing the rear seats are there any solutions to this that people have found? Are there any seat covers that have built in headrests to over come this? Any home grown diy solutions? Thanks.

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Just thinking about your question and I came up a semi easy solution in my head. Get some regular headrest with the two stakes sticking out of them. Of course make sure they match your interior. Cut two small holes in top of of the seat, 1 for each post. Get some beauty rings of some sort to cover where the post insert into the seat. And problem solved. If the headrest are not very stable got to the hardware store and find some kind of metal tubing that will slip in the holes and be more suppot for the headrest post. I hope this gets you brain storming and starts your project and this is just theory of course. Good Luck

If 2nd gen back seats just bolt in, tou could do that. Easy job...if they bolt in.

Actually what I ended up doing was buying a cheap metal dog guard ($15) and used bulldog/binder clips to put a pillow in the right place for her head. Sorted!
