Best way to attach a winch bumper??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best way to attach a winch bumper???


Elite Explorer
February 19, 2006
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1994 XLT,
After reading the winch mount threads in a search I have seen different styles of winch bumpers. and just as many way of attachment.

What is the best way?? I have a few ideas for a winch bumper in my head but have to figure the best way to attach it. I figure I would bolt it for ease of removal. plus if a major winch manufacturer bolts on their mounts.

I thought of removing the factory bumper mount and running a plate on the side of the frame and bolting through the frame ( reinforcing the frame)

thoughts ideas


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uhmmm.....some like 3/4 inch grade 8 bolts and welded? it would never come apart..

If you bolt it to the frame.. make sure you run plating atleast 12" past the bumper mounts along the frame rail.. i suspect that the lack of plating that far enough caused my frame to buckle.

If using bolts, a few 0.5" is more than enough. Gr8 0.5" is rated at 22k lbs tension and 17k lbs sheer.

I use six of them on my Explorer's bumper in sheer and its been hi-lifted on many times in each corner of the bumper (my Explorer's winch isnt attached to the bumper but to a welded cross member).

Just as an FYI though, dont use the standard "ears" that are welded on the frame rail because they are not welded on very well and arent supposed to be pulled on but rather pushed on (like on a head-on collision). One of the ears on my 15-passenger Ford van ripped the bottom weld while trying to winch the van on top of a trailer.

meh, bigger is always better. I would atleast throw in some 9/16th bolts, its not like it will make a difference installing them and is just some added peace of mind.

put some 3 inch bolts and weld them. kidding. reinforce the frammee

i have a lp8500 super winch.i going to have some 1 make a kick ass mount.i have a 92 explorer.going to get it done some time this week i hope.i going to pull people out of the snow and make some easy money.i can't find any good winch mount bumpers if u all know some sites please send them to me at thanks I just got it a few months ago. going to do a few things to it body lift and stuff to it.

i have a lp8500 super winch.i going to have some 1 make a kick ass mount.i have a 92 explorer.going to get it done some time this week i hope.i going to pull people out of the snow and make some easy money.i can't find any good winch mount bumpers if u all know some sites please send them to me at thanks I just got it a few months ago. going to do a few things to it body lift and stuff to it.
You almost have the right searching skills. :) You found this thread, but not the thread that will really help you.

Check out our Vendor Pottsy. He's got something that would work perfectly for you.

Welcome to the site. :thumbsup:

I would go with pottsys setup. I built 3 bumpers and have finall gotten it down with one that doesn't move. The biggest issue I had was the oval shaped holes on the frame horns. I built one like pottsys right before his came out. I wish I could have waited for his!
