Billy, Clemmons, NC | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Billy, Clemmons, NC

Here's my truck. 1996 Explorer Eddie Bauer. It's pretty stock (parental units don't want me to do anything to it).

It has:

Medium Williow Green Metallic with Light Saddle lower
JBL System with cassette player
Kenwood CDC-C667 CD Changer
Tan CLOTH seats Dead Link Removed
Neato center colsole trip computer
Vent Visors
WeatherTech Bug Deflector
K&N drop in filter (For Sale!!)
Throttle Cable Mod
Painted Grill (painted it by myself. Dead Link Removed )
I finally sold it with 120,700 miles on it. It was a sad day. :(
Front Clear Corners
Ford's molded rear mud guards
Chrome Exhaust Tip, just the tip, don't have the money to buy the real cat-back. Dead Link Removed
PDA holder
Radar hardwired into the overhead console
NEW!! Sylvania Silverstars/Diamond cut headlights!!
NEW!! Pilot yellow beam fogs
NEW!! K&N FIPK!!!!! :D

Here's a pic:


Tinted front windows

Other mods below...

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PPC Holder

I was wondering if you could post another picture of your mount for your PDA?
I have a Toshiba e750 and it would be good to be able to mount it to the dash somehow.
How does the mount attach to the dash and how does it attach to the PPC?

Thanks in advance,

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bhults said:
Where did you get those awesome clear lenses for your headlights? I've been wanting to do that forever, but didn't know that such a thing existed. Don't tell me that you had to have them custom made!?

No, they're not custom made. I bought it fromt he groupbuy a few weeks ago. Look it up in the group buy forum. The thread is right on top. Marc (Draft) said that he'll have the GB again next month.

Yes, they're Silverstars. I love them!!

heyok said:
I was wondering if you could post another picture of your mount for your PDA?
I have a Toshiba e750 and it would be good to be able to mount it to the dash somehow.
How does the mount attach to the dash and how does it attach to the PPC?

Thanks in advance,

Al, it's a holder specifically for this truck. I bought it on Ebay a long time ago for like $10 and the installation was pretty easy. It's attached behind the center bezel.

Another mod!!

I'm sure you guys are pretty familiar with torn vinyl on the armrest of the center console. Well, I was trying to look for the pattern where Section525 was using but I couldn't find it but I found this fabric to be pretty awesome. It's suade cloth and it feels really really good. I love it!! So I bought 3/4 of a yard for $3.04 and brought it home then recovered it. It's a pretty large piece of fabric so I had 2 chances (I messed up on my first time) and it looks great!!! The color isn't really what I wanted but it does offer a contrast between the interior color so I like it. Tell me what you all think.


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[QUOTE='96explorereddiebauer]I added a gutter grill last month. One of the best mods because less bugs damaging my radiator!!


:thumbsup: I have the same exact year EBX but in black (we even got the same beads), I always wanted to paint the grill. Any special preparation before you painted it?

Nothing really. Just rought it up, use tack cloth to take all the dust and trash off the paint then paint.

Oh man...I totally forgot this thread I posted a long long time ago. A small update. As many may know, I got a "new" car a year ago. Here're a few pics of it:






It's a '96 Acura 3.2TL-Premium. It currently has 84k miles on it. It's an awesome car to drive. It has 200hp and 210 lb-ft of torque. Gas mileage isn't too bad either with a constant 23, 24 mpg. However, the engine will only eat the premium food (93 octane gas) or the engine will knock and have reduced performance and mileage. The car is a lot more luxurious than my truck but I really miss the trip computer my truck had. Oh well...there're always tradeoffs. The car has traction control, heated seats, leather and power seats, heated mirrors, 8 speakers sound system with 2 mid-ranges in the ceiling. And oh can I forget, frameless windows. It's totally awesome not having frames around the windows!!! All my friends found that extremely weird. My mom lost her balance while reaching the door so she could shut it but found that the door doesn't have frames around the windows (the windows were opened at the time) Overall, I'm really satisfied with the car. :D
