Blower only on defrost after fuel rail sensor replaced | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blower only on defrost after fuel rail sensor replaced


New Member
July 16, 2023
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New Carlisle, Ohio
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2010 ford explorer
Hi all. I just replaced a fuel rail pressure sensor on a 2010 explorer. Person called later the same day and said the a/c would only blow on defrost.
I'm kind of stumped. I have seen this happen on a gm after the battery was disconnected but I didn't disconnect the battery. I did reset the check engine light. Any suggestions? The only thing I can't think is maybe a vacuum line broke? Does it even use vacuum for that or does it only use the blend door actuator? TIA

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Might be fixed by a HVAC controls panel reset, more likely a Vacuum line got loosened, or maybe broken during work. It happens. I made a thread for 2nd gen that may be if help.

Might be fixed by a HVAC controls panel reset, more likely a Vacuum line got loosened, or maybe broken during work. It happens. I made a thread for 2nd gen that may be if help.
Thanks. I think your 100% correct about the vacuum line. Thinking back, I heard an unidentified crack and had no clue what it was.

Thanks. I think your 100% correct about the vacuum line. Thinking back, I heard an unidentified crack and had no clue what it was.
I might be that the air conditioner control valve going to the vacuum reservoir in the passenger side dash was not reconnected. The valve is located in the engine bat on the passenger side near the rear. The symptoms you state are what happens when this valve fails or is disconnected. The image below is what it looks like. It isn't very big.

Screenshot 2023-07-17 063408.png

Thanks for the help guys. It was the vacuum line. I replaced the whole assembly as it was very brittle and had multiple breaks. This is the part, for future reference. 05-10 Ford Explorer Vacuum Emission Vapor Tube Intake Elbow 6L2Z9E498A

Thanks for reporting back with the fix.
