BMXking5's 93 Sport | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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BMXking5's 93 Sport


Explorer Addict
May 2, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Monroe, GA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Sport & '96 XLT
I finally decided to post in the registry. Here are some pics.
This is what it looked like when my parents bought it in the spring of '03.

Here are the mods:
-K&N Air Filter
-Wade Bug Shield
-Panasonic Head Unit
-Boston Acoustics Speakers
-Painted the Orange Stripe Black
-Rancho Steering Stabilizer with Red Shock Boot
-Custom Magnaflow Cat-Back Exhaust
-Husky Cargo Mat
-Reese Reciever Hitch
-New Dark Green Paint Job
-Hawk Brake Pads
-Neoprene Seat Covers
-Throttle Cable Mod
-Brushed Aluminum Gauge Overlay
-Clear Corners
-New Headlights
-APC Ultra White Bulbs
-New Windsheild
-Heavy-Duty Flasher for Towing
-Skyjacker 2" Suspension Lift
-Diamond Plate Door Sill Protectors
-Skyjacker Nitro8000 shocks w/ Poly Bushings
-Steel Center Arm Rest Bracket
-New Fender Flares from Mazda Navajo
-Pro Comp Tow Hooks in front
-Keeper 20' Recovery Strap
-31x10.50x15 Dunlop Mud Rovers
-15x8 U.S. Wheel Rock Crawler rims
-Serious Explorations stickers :thumbsup:
-Removed Rear Sway Bar
-Cobra 19 DX III Mobile CB
-Custom Made CB Antenna Bracket on Left Tail Light w/ 4ft Fiberglass Antenna
-PA Speaker
-Receiver Shackle

This is what it looks like now



I am not going to update this any more. Check out my ELITE Registry :)

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Lookin good. Will look 100 times better when you get those 31's on. Especially like the black painted stripe. Makes it look a lot cleaner.


Lookin' good! Ever thought of tinting the windows? Good luck.

zainyD said:
Lookin' good! Ever thought of tinting the windows? Good luck.
Yeah, I have been thinking of it but not sure when or if I will

Here are a couple of better pictures. Notice the new Mazda Navajo fender flares that don't use the stupid side skirt things!!


hey bmxking u still have the JVC head unit? if so cna I have the specs on it..might be interested in buying

yoohooman480 said:
hey bmxking u still have the JVC head unit? if so cna I have the specs on it..might be interested in buying
No, I don't have it anymore. I had it installed and about 8 months later one of my cds got stuck in there and it was still under warranty so I got it replaced for free. It was a 180 watt headunit and was pretty nice. I don't really remember any other specs about it.

Just got some 31x10.50 Dunlop Mud Rovers on 15x8 Black Rock Crawlers. I'll post pics a.s.a.p.

Woohoo! Mud Rovers rock!

Man that's a super clean sport!!! :thumbsup:

Jeff - :navajo:

Finally got pics of the new 31x10.50x15 Dunlop Mud Rovers on U.S. Wheel Black Rock Crawlers:




Here's the new Serious Explorations stickers:


very nice man . that looks tought and clean. those rims look insanely good on that

Yours has to be about my favorite Explorer on here...Nice and clean...Simple to set mine up like yours...small 2 inch lift ...Keep up the good work!

Nice ride. I dig the stickers!

Thanks for all the compliments.
