Boble86's 93 xlt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Boble86's 93 xlt


Well-Known Member
October 9, 2003
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93 XLT
Hey guys I got my explorer when i was 16 and didnt really think about it much. Never thought that i would be lifting it and other stuff. Well i am 18 now but i have just recently started moding it. Last year i started with just a set of 31" M/Ts.

Here is the list of stuff i have done now.

5.5 superlift painted ford blue
15x10 crager wheels
33x12.5 thornbirds
Roof rack made by yours truly
4 pro comp lights
mtx amp
4 mb quartz in the doors
sony head unit
took the good old saw zaw to the fenders
lock right

Future mods
and just like most other ppl a sas lol


  • rack3.jpg
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  • before.jpg
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Looks much better :thumbsup: What locker is going in the front?

either a powertrax right lock or a detroie ez locker

What are your stock gears? I have a stock pig with a locker in it. If your gears are the same I will just swap you pigs plus some money. Then all you will have to do is install the pig :)
