Body filler plugs for running board holes? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Body filler plugs for running board holes?


DIY stunt double
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Elite Explorer
June 16, 2003
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Humboldt, KS
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2000 Mounty
Ok, Let's assume I want to install some rock sliders, but, some day I may want to re install running boards. Instead of a permanently filled hole, is there a way to use a pish pin device? I have some but none of them seem to fit "tight" and they dangle.


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Maybe use the push pins but put some silicone around the hole before pushing it in? That should seal it and keep the pin tight, yet still peel off when you need it.

I would do that, however I would prefer a tighter plug. :D

Now, I hate it when I have these great ideas I will never execute, but fitting some led's to the holes , in parallel to the puddle lamps would be sweet.

back to the search--

I have black plastic plugs in mine. They fit perfect, snap in place. Don't ask where I got them since they've been there for nearly 20 years;)

Measure the hole then do a Google search for that size plastic plug. That's how I found some for my Dart.

I know the Ace Hardware right here in town carries plugs that are just about the perfect size right on their rack.

What about going to a salvage yard and getting the short rocker covers like my truck has? They use the same holes as running boards, but if you have factory fender flares like I do, they might be a little harder to find. I'm still looking for the driver's side one that I am missing. Either way, they barely hang down below the rocker panel, and it would mean you would't need anything else.

Here's a photo I took of mine to send to someone when they were at a pick and pull somewhere and weren't sure what I was talking about.

Try this site:

I ordered these for the underside of the rockers (bag on the left) from that site, maybe they will fit the same up top. They were tight on the underside.


If not, they have tons of those fasteners on there, you can find one with a dimension that will fit.

Prediction: This thread will have no less than 4 sig line quotes that will come from it. It has to.

Worst case/option:

I have the blue rocker caps that I took off Deuce to put on my running boards. If you want them, whatever UPS charges me for shipping you can have them for.

Whatever you put in the hole will most likely be black. Little black plugs against a red truck..... gonna notice that.

Paint them? Could flake off easily- especially if it's a rubber plug.

I just did the first part of this that you mentioned. I took my steps off and got sliders installed. I'm not worried about the holes taking on water as I doubt the steps and previous plugs kept it totally dry.

Thanks for the ideas. I googled "body filler plug". That didn't work.

After getting the running boards off, I kinda wish I hadn't. There is some surface rust to deal with. So, the rockers will be herculined.

I have some but none of them seem to fit "tight" and they dangle.


put some silicone around the hole before pushing it in?

I would do that, however I would prefer a tighter plug. :D

They were tight on the underside.

Whatever you put in the hole will most likely be black.

I've seen them a half an inch or bigger on the shaft part.

the holes are not that big unless they've been worked over a bunch of times... You want a tight fit so there isn't as much sloppiness.

Prediction: This thread will have no less than 4 sig line quotes that will come from it. It has to.

Got you covered Joe.

^^^^ I love this site.

The auto stores usually have the push panel clips of all different sizes. I've seen them a half an inch or bigger on the shaft part.

There's another sig line. FIND- please add that one... :D

This thread makes me feel dirty.

But plugs?

It's spelled differently, but... lol!

Tom- the holes are not that big unless they've been worked over a bunch of times... You want a tight fit so there isn't as much sloppiness.

Good Lord this is a tough thread to reply to...

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Turdle said:
Thanks for the ideas. I googled "body filler plug". That didn't work.

Told ya. Google plastic plugs.
