Bought another truck. '23 F-150 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bought another truck. '23 F-150


Elite Movie Star
Elite Explorer
September 1, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Lake View Terrace, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Navajo '99 X '19 Rngr
Well bought a new Truck yesterday. We're keeping the Ranger to tow behind the RV until the end of next summer. We will be doing some testing with this new truck at work as well. Found this still on a lot new, and got a killer deal.

2023 F-150 XLT FX4
3.5L w/ max tow package.

It's basically a lariat w/ cloth seats.

Soon as we get a leveling kit on it, we'll throw some 35's on it.


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Nice truck. Congrats!

Can the Ranger be flat towed or do you use a dolly?

Well bought a new Truck yesterday. We're keeping the Ranger to tow behind the RV until the end of next summer. We will be doing some testing with this new truck at work as well. Found this still on a lot new, and got a killer deal.

2023 F-150 XLT FX4
3.5L w/ max tow package.

It's basically a lariat w/ cloth seats.

Soon as we get a leveling kit on it, we'll throw some 35's on it.

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Wow!!!!!! How nice! We were originally looking at 5.0 4x4 XLTs, but too pricey... if you dont mind me asking what ballpark (ie. liek 50k, 55k, etc) did you pay for yours?

Nice truck. Congrats!

Can the Ranger be flat towed or do you use a dolly?

Flat tow. This is in Savannah, GA. CA to FL. and back. Dragged her 6k miles. We'll do it again next summer to NY.

Works perfect. Technically the F-150 can be flat towed as well....but that's ask a bit much of V10 in the RV.


Wow!!!!!! How nice! We were originally looking at 5.0 4x4 XLTs, but too pricey... if you dont mind me asking what ballpark (ie. liek 50k, 55k, etc) did you pay for yours?

Truck is a $65k sticker. I got $11.5k off . Plus great financing.

Technically the truck is a roll back. Someone bought it in spring, and the deal fell through. So the truck has 700 miles on it. So it's this weird new/used car. DMV sees it as used, finance sees as new, which is why I got the rate I did.

Truck is a $65k sticker. I got $11.5k off . Plus great financing.

Technically the truck is a roll back. Someone bought it in spring, and the deal fell through. So the truck has 700 miles on it. So it's this weird new/used car. DMV sees it as used, finance sees as new, which is why I got the rate I did.
Wowowowow!!!!! Super cool!!!!! Which dealer? We looked at a few at Galpin, Sunland, etc. But all too pricey with the 5.0 4x4... maybe when its new car time again in another so many years haha

We drove all the way down to the OC

First mod coming in...

Raptor beadlocks and will do some new BFG KO3's in a 315/70R17.


Supposedly you can't run 17's on my truck. This has to do with the Max Tow package, as they have larger brakes. The caliper hits the wheel. 😕


But that's not going to stop us. With a little help from the washer drawer, we discover just spacing the wheel out a 1/4", she fits. So I'll just order some 1/4" wheel spacers.


KO3'S to go on the F-150




And just finished the lower light mount. Had to build it from scratch.


Was out doing some base line testing for work a week or so ago. Should be finally getting a upgrade to the suspension next week.


Was out doing some base line testing for work a week or so ago. Should be finally getting a upgrade to the suspension next week.

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Gorman! I only got a chance to go last month since it reopened. Have they opened more trails since or just generally the west end of the park?

Same as before I believe. We just went out for the day to test. We got some pretty cool footage. Stay Tuned
