Bought Daughter a 2010 Ranger, She Paid it Off, Blew Engine, I Replaced Engine....... | Page 10 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bought Daughter a 2010 Ranger, She Paid it Off, Blew Engine, I Replaced Engine.......

Excellent news!!!!! Egr code no biggie at least the pcm is working

Very well done my man
Persistent for sure!!! Wins the day

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EGR code means no pass smog. I have been thinking about it throwing codes. The exhaust manifold on the Fusion was totally different than the Ranger. It appeared to partially block the exhaust passage to the EGR. I didn't think about it then, but maybe it's got a lot of buildup and needs to clean itself out. My next step would be to remove the exhaust manifold and spray carb cleaner in the passages. Hopefully it would clean out everything without having to remove the EGR valve itself. I was feeling around there this morning and the intake would have to come off to access it. I can't even get to the engine side of the return tube that goes to the intake.

AC issues. I thought it was a fitting that when it was moved around leaked refrigerant. It now appears it's the evaporator end suction line that's is leaking at the crimp fitting, thats leaking green oil onto the compressor. To make sure, I added refrigerant and placed a rolled up paper towel between the line and compressor. Only took a few minutes to see it was leaking from a small weep hole on the fitting.

Back to Rock Auto I go. I already have a vacuum pump. I think its time to spring for 4 hose AC service manifold. It's cheaper to buy the tool than pay a shop to charge the system. And, a good excuse for more tools!!

EGR code means no pass smog. I have been thinking about it throwing codes. The exhaust manifold on the Fusion was totally different than the Ranger. It appeared to partially block the exhaust passage to the EGR. I didn't think about it then, but maybe it's got a lot of buildup and needs to clean itself out. My next step would be to remove the exhaust manifold and spray carb cleaner in the passages. Hopefully it would clean out everything without having to remove the EGR valve itself. I was feeling around there this morning and the intake would have to come off to access it. I can't even get to the engine side of the return tube that goes to the intake.
Register in AZ?
And, a good excuse for more tools!!
Now THIS is guy math!!!!

Congrats on getting it running!

Register in AZ?

Now THIS is guy math!!!!

Congrats on getting it running!
I've been wanting to purchase a A/C service manifold set, ever since my 85 year old Arizona car guy neighbor showed me how easy it is to evacuate and charge systems. He charged my RV system before I left in November. Last time I paid a shop to charge it I paid over $200. the RV has a very slow evaporator leak that I will eventually have to address, after I relocate to the big garage. Even R134a is half the price in Arizona as California.

Even R134a is half the price in Arizona as California.
What did they add this time for CA? 0.0000001 oz of unobtanium? HAHA all jokes aside I do wonder soemtimes how much these little things do. Or maybe its to keep us from buying them, no clue.

What is the egr code
Let’s fix it

What is the egr code
Let’s fix it

Got the code twice. Both times it was after a short drive (less than four miles), then parked for 10-15 minutes. As soon as I started it I got the code the first time, the second time it was when accelerating out of the parking lot.

The first time I got the code was after I filled the tank with premium and added a bunch of Lucas injector cleaner. That was also the first time I drove it at highway speeds.

I'm taking it for a drive up the freeway today, about ten miles each way. It hasn't been anywhere but on short local trips. I'll have the code reader plugged in and scanning/recording in real time.

Google Advice for 2.3 late model ranger with p0400 is to remove egr valve and clean it replace with new gasket
New egr valve is not expensive if needed. Could ohm the one you habebvs nib before install and decide which one to use / return

You used ranger egr parts on the fusion engine but there was some blockage in the egr port because on the fusion that port is blocked off… is that correct?

You should check see if the passage
Cleared itself out or not.. coat hanger and brake clean says it’s clear lol

I wonder if oven cleaner would work good to clean the egr? I use it to clean the carbon off the vanes on my vgt turbo in my truck and have really good results.

The main problem is getting the EGR valve out. I don't see any way to get to the bolts without removing the intake.

I just drove it up I-15 to Escondido, 78 to Ramona, 76 back down the hill to Scripps Poway Pkwy. About 45 miles total. No codes. I stopped for a few minutes about a half mile from home to let Ranger out of the Ranger and see if I could duplicate the error.


It's possible all the engine needed after sitting for two years then getting stuffed in a truck was a easy workout. Hopefully, that was the issue. I'll duplicate the short drive that triggered the code in a day or two to make sure.

It feels great. Drives as nice as a 15 year old work truck should. Engine sounds like a sewing machine; like I remember the old one sounding pre-oil starvation. It's seems peppier than I remember, but I haven't driven that truck in a few years.

I did some research this morning as to why the 2.3 Rangers have both electric and engine driven cooling fans. By research I mean reading a few threads on the Ranger Station. The main cooling comes from the engine driven, manual fan clutch type fan. The electric fan only comes on when the A/C is being used. It's not part of the cooling system. Attempts to rewire and use it as the only cooling fan don't work. It doesn't have enough CFM to cool the engine by itself at slow speeds, up grades, or when the A/C is on. The electric fan is only on Rangers equipped with air conditioning.

What did they add this time for CA? 0.0000001 oz of unobtanium? HAHA all jokes aside I do wonder sometimes how much these little things do. Or maybe its to keep us from buying them, no clue.
R134a has to be CARB approved for sale in California, which doubles the price. They want us to use replacement synthetic refrigerant. I'm not sure if it works as well or is as compatible for the AC systems. They say it is, but they say a lot of things...

I tried to order a few bottles off Amazon, eBay and even eBay only carries the fake stuff, Walmart won't ship it to me in San Diego, Amazon was more than AutoZone. AutoZone won't deliver it, but they have it in local stores.
