That is awesome, I kind of like that too, where did you get that stubby antenna?
You must have missed it. I said at, wait for it,!
It is an 'I' series.
Now here's the deal though, it wasn't quite plug and play...
I actually bought it for my '07 Mazda MX-5 but, contrary to the web site, it doesn't match the factory base and so doesn't look good. The web site vendor was very nice and said no problem, return it for a refund, but then I realized, hey that might look good on the Explorer!
I already had an aftermarket antenna on the Explorer - same size as stock just not as cheesy looking, but I thought the stubby would look better.
The stubby antenna comes with a couple of different threaded adapters but neither works for the Explorer which needs a longer threaded piece.
So I took off the after market antenna I had on there, and thought I might be able to removed the threaded piece from it and use it on the stubby, and it worked!
Now since you guys aren't likely to have this extra third party antenna around with threaded adapter that conveniently worked, I tried doing to remove the adapter from the stock antenna but I couldn't. I figure it's glued in there pretty good.
Here's a pic of the ends of the factory and after market antennas, the after market one has the threaded adapter removed.