Broken Band Adjustment Bolt | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Broken Band Adjustment Bolt


Explorer Addict
September 4, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
St. Petersburg, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 Explorer Eddie Bauer
In an attempt to adjust my overdrive band, the square head snapped off the adjustment bolt. Without a head on the end, I can't break the lock nut free. Can I replace this bolt? I'm afraid if I remove it the band will drop and it'll cost me a fortune to get fixed. Please give me some good news guys.

Part numbers E7TZ-7C492-A and E825100S102




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Overdrive. How do I fix this problem?

I take it this will probably be pretty difficult to do laying on my back in my driveway...

I don't suppose there's a how to on it somewhere in here? I can't seem to find one.

I replaced both of my adjustment bolts as mine were rusted beyond belief. Like brooklyn sad it can be done with the valve body removed. You just need to hold the apply strut with a long flat blade screwdriver while threading the old bolt out and the new bolt in. I got new bolts and lock nuts from Ford, not too expensive if I recall. And I did it on my back on the garage floor.

Good luck, and we're all counting on you...

I would just leave it, are you having a problem with the trans?

Only time I adjust the bands is after a overhaul.

Yes, just finished an overhaul. Kinda pissed I have to take it all apart again.

Do I 100% have to remove the valve body? If I recall I can see up to the bolts from along side of it. If I had something with a slight curve on the end to hold it while replacing the bolt?

If I do have to remove the valve body is it pretty straightforward as far as holding the band in place? I mean I know a little bit about it but it should be right there in front me, correct?

This trans was just overhauled?

These band adjustment bolts look like they have never been off before.

Are you having problems with the way it is working after a overhaul and wanting to adjust the bands to fix the problem?

Well, not exactly an overhaul. New solenoid block, intermediate and overdrive servos as well as fluid and filter.

Yes. And the newer version of my solenoid block. Motorcraft filter and 10qt royal purple fluid.

There might be another way to hold the apply strut in place without making a big job out of it. I've never tried this, but it's just an idea. You might have enough clearance with the valve body in place to do it this way, but I'm not sure. Use a telescopic magnet tool on the apply strut, then carefully back out the bad bolt. Insert the new bolt, and try to feel the apply strut with the new bolt. You might have to do this with two people, but it should be a one person job. The telescopic magnet should be strong.

That sounds interesting. A friend just sent me this...

3C1-A3A6AF51E349-2409-00000219B7E74EFA_zps716088bb.jpg I'll take a look through it and see if I can figure it out.

I'm sure I'll be back with more questions though.

I have a couple of those actually.

Quick observation. According to this illustration the struts kind of clip in. It really looks like it would stay if the bolt were removed...


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It doesn't clip in it fits very loose. You see the opening right below the large end, well the heavy end is over that opening and the chance of it falling down is very great, and will probably happen.
