Bronco2guy stomping grounds weekend bash. Ideas?? | Page 5 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bronco2guy stomping grounds weekend bash. Ideas??

Allright, we cut several new trails and they are awesome, have a few pics, also couple stuck pics of my Jeep since i cant just run over trees with it, had to wait and cut tree outta the way.




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But later the Jeep repaid the favor to the other explorer :)

Yep Corkey- we always try to have fun , starting to get more excited after today, we spent all morning clearing some level 3-4 trails, about 1 to 1 &1/2 miles, thru creek bed, and all interconnects with another section we already have cut, so bypass several open fields and gates :), hoping to do night run tonight

i know why the excitement,, hmmm, maybe the snow on the ground ?
turns a level 2 into a level 4 in a hurry,

Well, found some old vids on buddys computer these are of myself working hard at killing some vehicles, the vid of white B2 keep in mind grass is foot and half tall or so.

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